5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Mind Control

One way to gain mind control is by practicing Mindfulness. Thanks to mindfulness, we improve the quality of our thoughts by focusing on the present moment.
5 easy ways to increase your mind control

It’s called mind control, self-control, or self- control. In any of its meanings, there is a fact that we must be clear about: there is no magic in this type of process, but there is a lot of psychology. We are facing that valuable capacity that we should all train at some point, to manage our inner world in an intelligent, constructive and useful way.

It is often said that people have a true obsession to control everything, even ourselves. However, it is an impossible goal to achieve in its entirety (which does not mean that we do not have room for improvement).

Mind control can help us, among other things, and reduce the impact of stress. Far from seeing this competition as an almost supernatural ability, we must understand it as that ability that, when placed in our favor, can mediate balance and well-being.

After all, controlling your thoughts is key to improving your mood, your focus, and even your productivity. Let’s see more data about it.

1. Self-knowledge increases mind control

Studies such as the one carried out at the UCL Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London point out something interesting. Our mental universe is very similar to that of a computer. We create connections, thoughts travel through electrical impulses, and in turn we have a highly specialized brain.

However, there is something that clearly differentiates us from machines: our emotions and our sense of consciousness.

  • Self-knowledge is that dimension with which we connect with what we are, what we want, hope and need.
  • A good number of people would not know how to identify their deepest motivations or expose those internal realities by which they start, maintain or end their behaviors / habits.
  • Thus, a key strategy to increase our mental control (and well-being) is to delve into ourselves. Knowing who we are, what identifies us and what we expect allows us to find motivation to take control of our life.
woman holding brain

2. Deactivate the autopilot

Going on “automatic pilot” mode is going through life without paying too much attention to anything, abstracted, in a dimension far from what is happening. We go from one thought to another and from one behavior to another, without having the slightest idea why. We feel that life is “taking us”, even if we don’t know exactly where.

It would be impossible to be aware of everything, all the time: we would practically have to give up our mental life. We would collapse. What is possible is to make pauses, stops along the way to contemplate where we are and if we are going on the path that we really want to travel. Those pauses translate into increased awareness and this, in turn, into more mind control.

3. Slow down, appreciate the present, take control

Learning to deactivate the impulse of an emotion is not easy at all. Especially if we were brought up in an environment that did not place great importance on impulse control. Perhaps our current lifestyle is governed by rush, demand, anxiety and the “I have to have everything ready for tomorrow.”

woman with closed eyes keeping mind control

Learning to be more present, to slow down and manage our emotions is a great step forward. One way to train our mental focus to appreciate the here and now and increase mind control is through the practice of Mindfulness.

Studies such as the one carried out at the Massachusetts General Hospital by Dr. Elizabeth A. Hoge show us that this discipline is very beneficial in reducing the impact of anxiety and mediating our psychological well-being.

4. Chew and digest the frustration

Who has not experienced frustration (that feeling that reality does not meet our expectations, that which appears when despite all our efforts we do not obtain the desired result)? Some small, others giants. A love that was not, a vocation that did not see the light, a money that is needed …

The reasons can be many. We are all immersed in a reality that forces us to constantly give up. It is normal. The point is that some accept it and others don’t.

It is not easy to learn to accept, chew, and digest frustration. If we don’t, anger can easily take over our hearts and take over our minds and lives. It is also easy for us to become curmudgeons.

Not worth it. Let us therefore learn to manage these ailments to improve our emotional health.

5. Get out of your comfort zone

Leaving the comfort zone brings immense benefits. One of the most important is that it helps us to be more flexible and adaptable. This, in turn, stimulates the development of our intelligence, both logical and emotional. So finally, almost without realizing it, as if it were a secondary effect of our attitude, we become more tolerant and masters of our own emotions.

Feet of a person between feathers

We are not machines and we do not have to “function” correctly all the time. The subject of mind control should always be taken as something relative, especially when it puts a lot of pressure on us.

What is certain is that the control of our emotions increases when anxiety decreases. When we have learned strategies to know how to express the energy that accompanies emotion in the most conducive way for our interests and for those of those around us.

So let’s apply these psychological tools on a day-to-day basis to improve the quality and control of our thoughts. The effort will be worth it.

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