5G Networks, What They Are And Why They Should Matter To Us

There are several experts who have drawn attention to the new 5G networks, which are about to start rolling out around the world. For many researchers, this technology will cause serious electromagnetic pollution with significant health consequences.
5G networks, what they are and why they should matter to us

For some time, talk about 5G networks began. These are obviously a fifth generation technology that, however, has great differences from its precedents. A good number of doctors and health professionals have been warning about its possible risks.

Technological advances are totally irreversible. Once an invention or discovery has been achieved , there is never going back. Much less when this advance implies a high investment of capital or involves the economic power in some way. 5G networks will not be the exception.

However, from many fronts a great collective debate has been called on this matter. In the opinion of many experts, 5G networks are a highly polluting technology , which can cause serious effects for human beings and for all ecosystems as a whole. What is required then is that there is at least sufficient information on the subject.

Buildings with 5g networks

What is 5G technology?

5G technology is one that allows wireless connections between all kinds of devices. It achieves a high connection speed , which has never been achieved before and has a great capacity to tolerate high volumes of traffic.

In other words, with 5G networks you work at full speed, with a large number of devices connected simultaneously. This technology will also dramatically expand the “internet of things. That is, the management of all kinds of devices remotely, only with a mobile phone.

So far, so good. The problem is that 5G networks are going to require a change in infrastructure. They require the massive installation of thousands of small antennas, ranging in size from the diameter of a coin to the size of a frisbee . That is why they will be everywhere, running all the time and, according to some, generating a constant growing cloud of radiation.

One of the most problematic points is that many of these antennas will have to be placed at ground level. There will probably be a distance of less than 100 meters between them, to guarantee an effective interconnection. In addition, according to current regulations, no one will be able to know exactly where they are located.

The effect of 5G networks on health

There are still no definitive conclusions about the effect of electromagnetic waves on health. However, what there is is important suspicions about it. For example, in 2011 the World Health Organization classified cell phone microwaves as category “2B”. This means: “possibly carcinogenic.”

Likewise, there are several independent studies in which it is stated that these waves produce generalized oxidative stress. This predisposes to multiple health conditions.

Dr. Magda Havas, professor of environmental sciences at the universities of Toronto and Trent, indicated that there is evidence that such waves alter the functioning of cells.

There is also the Mobi-Kids research, a study that was carried out with children and adolescents. Apparently, electromagnetism could be responsible for the increase in cases of brain tumors in this population. The results have not been published in full yet.

Mobile with 5g

Reality or fiction?

Another disturbing aspect of this technology is that 5G networks have a high potential to exercise surveillance over people. Their stability, their volume and their speed make them have the ability to make a detailed follow-up of all the actions that a person performs. They may even collect information on how many times we open the refrigerator or dry our hair.

Also striking is the fact that mainly two countries have declared 5G networks a matter of State: China and the United States. Apparently, there is a strong struggle for control of this new technology.

Currently, those who defend the idea that these technologies are harmless have not presented any evidence to support that claim. On the other hand, official documents have appeared that warn about the possible damages of electromagnetic fields. One of them is the one published by the European Academy of Environmental Medicine in 2016.

Beyond any consideration, what we all need is comprehensive information on the subject. Those who call for a broad debate on the subject are correct. Whether it is true or false that 5G networks do or do not cause harm, we all have a right to know.

In the meantime, caution should be exercised with children’s access to these technologies. For this reason, from here an appeal is made, since it is worth cultivating habits, moments and spaces to disconnect.

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