How To Increase Our Motivation?

How to increase our motivation?

Motivation is an indispensable condition to carry out what we want to achieve. Motivation is that driving force that arises from within us and helps us to solve the obstacles that we may encounter, to surpass ourselves in our task and to achieve, with success, what we have set out to achieve.

Motivation drives us in one direction or another, depending on our needs and goals. But it is the will that we put in place to do the things we set out to do, the first step towards success.

Once we are clear about what we want, motivation will help us to continue to maintain a certain balance in favor of it and to implement the necessary actions to achieve it.

There are different types of motivation: work motivation, our own motivation, motivating others, student motivation, etc. But the motivation that we are going to talk about here is a compilation of what must really be done to motivate ourselves or someone, in any situation. An option that can be valid for any case. Are you up for it?




Being positive is the best option to motivate or motivate yourself. It is the best option to move forward and draw strength from where we do not have them. Not everything is going to be a bed of roses, and it better be. This will force us to see the positive side of things, to improve and progress, to go on the right path that involves effort.

Instead of complaining and seeing what we don’t like about a situation, let’s focus our attention on the positive side and what we can learn from the experience we are going through.




What you are going to achieve requires a commitment. We are talking about something serious. If you want to achieve something, make a real commitment, put a date on it!

If we are motivating someone, make them aware of this type of commitment. Normally,  we tend to commit ourselves in word, but not in action. We become lazy and relaxed, which consequently manifests itself in the frustration of not getting what we wanted. Let’s be serious about what we want, let’s take it seriously.




Competition in the strict sense, can be understood as something that implies surpassing others at all costs, becoming the first, the best of all. We are not here for this. This type of competition is a friendly competition, not stepping above others, but using it to force ourselves to improve and reach our goal.

It is our goal, not the goal of others. Being the first does not imply being the best. Keep this in mind.

Use the competition to give you support, to motivate yourself, use it as a good thing. Competitive people often become selfish, do not help others and want to outdo others. Here, you  want to improve yourself, not the rest. Only you and your goal matter. Be sure.

The importance of a journal


This does not imply having to write down what you have done during the day but rather keep track of your progress and setbacks. A journal will help you to organize yourself, to know what the next step is, to solve problems that have arisen and analyze them to put your solution into practice.

Writing your goal down and reading it every day several times can also be a foothold.


Visualize the goal


A key to motivation is visualizing yourself reaching your goal. How will you look then? How will you feel Thinking about it will help you to stay strong and not to decay in the face of problems that may appear.


Daily inspiration


Inspiration is very important so that the path to your goal is bearing fruit. It is not necessary to wait for it to come, but we can look for it. Where? Anywhere. Feel receptive to find inspiration in anything, place, event … Take advantage of that.


Reward yourself


Not everything is work, work and work. When you reach a goal, when you manage to overcome an obstacle that brings you closer to your goal, take a break and reward yourself with something. It can be a little break, something you really wanted to buy, a little trip, whatever. You have to reward yourself for those little things that you achieve. So that? So that motivation does not decline, so that you remain active and strong in your purposes.



These are some of the steps we should follow to be motivated or motivate someone. Of course, the list is extensive and can be extended as long as we want. It is also true that depending on our personality, some things may work for us and others may not.

And you … what else would you add? Do you think you could do without something? Do you know how to motivate yourself or do you get demotivated right away?

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