Living Surrounded By People …, But Feeling Alone

Living surrounded by people ..., but feeling alone

The important thing is not how much you surround yourself, the important thing is not the number of people who are by your side, the important thing is not to have thousands of friends in the networks (I add and not). The important thing is the value that everything around you has for you, because you can be surrounded by people and still feel alone.

Have you ever felt that, no matter how wrapped up you are, you can’t drive away the cold? Have you ever thought that, even with people by your side, you don’t cover that need for contact? Do you ever feel like you are alone and that no one can help you? Well, this void will not be covered if we only seek to inhabit it with the outside. This emptiness is something internal, a question to be solved with oneself before with others.

Loneliness is an opportunity to find ourselves ; loneliness gives us permission for internal dialogue, to know how and where we are, to know ourselves and what we want. When we are alone, we have the pleasure of being with us.

I will not be able to feel alone if I am the best company, I will not be able to feel alone if after being at peace with myself, I look for the outside. So when there is a lot of noise inside, how can I hear the music outside?

The value of everything around me

It can be a mistake to look for quantity in the company, the key is going to be quality.  It is not worth it for me to be many if they do not contribute to me, I am not interested in much time either if they do not make me feel that it is flying by. The value that I give to everything that surrounds me is what makes me give meaning to that potential company.

I will continue to feel alone if my company and that of others does not make me happy, I will continue to think that no one understands me regardless of the number of times and ways I use to repeat the same story, I will continue to think that they do not want to be with me if it means a lot to me. little. I am the one who qualifies and feels the gratitude by sharing my thoughts, my time and my life with someone, but it will be something valuable after I have shared it with myself first.

People in the sea enjoying

Work first to be with yourself, not alone, but with yourself; you are who you will always be so love yourself. Be grateful for the moments in solitude that allow you to connect and know how you are, talk to yourself and understand that peace with yourself is the best ally to undertake any project that you undertake outside of yourself.

Make sense of being alone

The personal emptiness will be your worst enemy, it will be a continuous voice that screams and asks for a solution from within while you try to silence it with background noise, but in reality what you need is to disconnect from the outside and connect with your inner self.

Man hugging a heart

Quality and good relationship with you, knowing how to listen and pamper yourself, take care of yourself and thank you from time to time for the pleasure of being alone and calm. You will not feel lonely if you are a good company, you will not feel the sense of indeterminate absence if you are complete inside; the outside will come to add, but not to cover the unresolved internal deficiencies.

Love yourself as you have never loved yourself, feel so good with yourself that you want to be alone at least one moment a day. Listen to yourself like nobody will, be the best friend you would love to have. Inhabited this void, now yes: go out and enrich yourself with everything else that the outside will bring you.

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