The Meaning Of My Life Is What I Want To Give It

There are many moments when we forget why we are in this world and what we want to do with our lives. The meaning that we want to give to our existence depends on ourselves, and we will talk about that below.
The meaning of my life is what I want to give it

At some point in our life or in several moments we come to ask ourselves what is the meaning of our existence. We live day by day so fast that we don’t have time to stop and think about ourselves, what we are, the reason for our life, our purpose.

Any of us have felt lost at certain times, we have thought we have made a mistake or we have wondered what we are doing with our lives. That feeling of emptiness does not have to be something negative, but it can be a turning point that makes us reflect on what we really want and how to achieve it.

What is the meaning of my life?

it is about searching within ourselves and asking ourselves questions to find out what the purpose of our existence is.

The psychiatrist and writer Viktor Frankl, was interned during World War II in the Auschwitz concentration camp and that traumatic experience together with his training, helped him to carry out a deep reflection on the meaning of life that he would capture in various books, among which the one entitled The man in search of meaning” stands out.

if a person is able to make sense of adversity, he can turn his tragedy into an achievement

I am the one who gives meaning to my life

One of the fundamental aspects regarding the meaning of our life is that we should not look for that meaning outside of ourselves, in other people, in circumstances that are beyond our reach, but only within ourselves.

When we meet another person, the first thing we usually ask is what do you do? or What do you do? Instead of asking Who are you? In this way we are identifying the person with their activity, without finding out who that person really is. The same thing happens with ourselves, the right thing is not to ask what do I do? but Who am I?

Therefore, knowing ourselves and above all valuing ourselves is the basis for knowing the meaning of our life. It is essential to reserve a moment to stand in the middle of the daily maelstrom and reflect on our abilities, our strengths, our shortcomings. This will help us to know who we are and who we want to be.

Each of us write our own history, decide how to feel in certain situations and shape our existence day by day. But perhaps the secret is to stop and ask yourself questions that show us what is most important to us.

Woman breathing outdoors

Questions to give my life meaning

To give meaning to our lives, we can ask ourselves thousands of questions because each one of us contains a universe of answers completely different from those that others can provide. But it is that inner journey to achieve answers that will allow us to achieve the peace we need.

  • What is the most important thing in my life? For some people they will be their children, for others their profession, for others they will be free. There are millions of answers, but the one we give ourselves is the one that will make us discover what our purpose is in this life.
  • If you knew that you were going to die in three months, what would you stop doing? This question allows us to change the perspective that we have of our reality and distinguish the superfluous from the really important, to be able to value all those things and people that really deserve it.
  • How are you really, who are you? It is essential to carry out a deep analysis of ourselves and be honest in order to have the opportunity to change what we do not like, the ways of acting that we do not want to define us.

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