Your Mind Is Already Designed To Be Wonderful

Your mind is a wonderful and exceptional product of the brain. Now, so that it is always in your favor, you have to take care of it, you have to attend to the quality of your thoughts and emotions. All mental processes mediate your well-being and happiness.
Your mind is already designed to be wonderful

Your mind is wonderful. It is creative, it is intuitive, emotional, logical, flexible and contains everything that you are and what you yearn to be. Thus, and although we know that as such it is a product of the brain, neuropsychology reveals that it can operate independently. It is she, after all, who gives shape and meaning to every experience, every thought, dream and personal goal.

Aristotle said that there is nothing that resides in our mind that has not previously passed through our senses. It’s true. As the classic concept points out, ‘mind and body are the same thing’, a dimension cannot be separated from one another. Now, René Descartes would point out just the opposite in his Metaphysical Meditations  . For him, the mind was related only to the act of thinking, while the body belonged only to the world of movement.

Currently, there are still some discrepancies when it comes to defining it and giving it meaning. In some way, philosophy has a particular vision of the mind that does not always match the one that neuroscience or psychology brings us. However, it should be noted that any approach enriches us. Every contribution invites us to reflect and realize how exceptional the human mind is.

mind with icons symbolizing the theory of the swiss army knife

Your mind, a fascinating universe

Your mind, actually, is the favorite area of ​​psychology. The purpose of this science has always been to understand each product, each process and reality that happens in that private world that makes us unique as well as equal. It is there where the best ideas originate, but it is also where many of our psychological disorders are based.

Your mind can make you happy or it can make you sick. In the same day you can experience anything from disappointment to making the best decision of your life, the one that will bring you closer to personal fulfillment. T odo what happens in your brain that microuniverse can not see or touch, is a formless entity that has the singular peculiarity lay the foundation for everything you are.

Let’s learn more about it.

What is the mind and where is it?

Behavioral psychology has always told us that the mind does not really exist. It is nowhere is a formless concept and a conceptual trap. Now, from cognitivist psychology the same idea is not had. To begin with, the mind is not a physical entity, it is a set of processes and specifically, of two.

It was Dr. Daniel Kahneman who defined what those two types of processes that your mind carries out were like. For that work he received the Nobel Prize.

  • Active mind : the active mind defines that state that allows us to be connected to a task in the present moment. Thus, events such as talking to someone, eating, thinking, working, creating, and enjoying what surrounds us shape that active and committed mind where, curiously, stress levels are low.
  • The Automatic Mind : our brain constantly performs a huge variety of tasks unconsciously. An example of this would be detecting changes in light or temperature, remembering our experiences and even feeling an emotion. As an interesting fact, one aspect should be noted: many of our thoughts are also automatic and when we do not exercise control over them, stress and anxiety appear.
brain symbolizing your mind

Your mind can change your brain

One of the things your mind is wonderful for is the following. Each of your thoughts have the power to change your brain.  We do not say it because, neurologists as prominent as Álvaro Pascual-Leone remind us how our personal approach and even the ability to train our thinking, mediates our well-being, our cognitive reserve and even our neuronal plasticity.

An example, there are many studies that show us how meditation exercised over several months can change our brain. It does so by calming structures such as the amygdala, that area related to emotions such as fear or the feeling of alarm. A relaxed brain is a brain that is more attentive and prepared to learn and connect with its environment.

Let’s be clear: taking care of our mind and each thought favors our well-being . Let us remember, for example, what the great neurologist Oliver Sacks pointed out:

Remember, your mind is wonderful if you take care of it

The mind is wonderful, but it requires hygiene, attention, care. In it you cannot grow anything like someone who lets weeds invade your garden. We must remove negativism, the root of the fears that prevent us from moving. Limiting thoughts must be pulled out and the seeds of anxiety, frustration, and resentment must be prevented from growing. Your mind wants you to cultivate illusion and creativity. Know that with these dimensions all your potential and your opportunity to be happy flourish.

Do not forget, even though the mind cannot be seen, touched or located at a specific point in the brain, it is there. It is she who makes everything possible, she who should be your best friend in life.

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