Think Before You Speak, Read To Enrich What You Think

There is an Arabic proverb that says do not speak unless your words can improve the silence. Hence the importance of thinking before speaking. If you really want your words to matter, they must be backed by reason and objective data
Think before you speak, read to enrich what you think

More than once you have wanted to tell someone this at a certain time: “Think before you speak, find out before you think. Why? Perhaps because you were realizing that I was strongly thinking but without arguments.

Surely it has also happened to us at some time, since it is much easier to speak lightly than to build an elaborate and supported thought. In other words, it is easier to say “it is so, just because” than to give justified reasons.

Almost all writers point out that in order to write it is first necessary to have read a lot. The same happens when you want to have a conversation: think before you speak, always think about what you want to say, how and why. For this, the wardrobe of your culture is going to be very important.

Think before you talk

Men united by language

Human language is special because it is capable of composing infinite sequences with a limited number of letters. In addition, the means we have to express ourselves with him are many, whether direct or indirect.

These causes force us to learn little by little to use it correctly and, we would achieve it without problem, if it were not for the existence of what is called “impulse”. During the day, more than half of the dialogues we produce are driven by impulse.

It is difficult to be fully aware of the value of every word we say, which is why we appreciate so much listening to those who try. Those who stop, reflect, and dare to think before speaking enjoy prudence, perspective, and attitude towards others.

Read to enrich what you think

On the other hand, words have more force than we often attribute to them. They can create harmless or painful speeches, establish disagreements or strengthen relationships, motivate or demotivate to unsuspected points, etc.

One of the most accessible and effective ways to train critical thinking that helps us adapt and develop is reading. Reading is key to dignify what you are capable of thinking and to be able to transmit it intelligently to others.

Reading gives us wisdom and, as Baltasar Gracián would say, “books make us people”. Thanks to them we exercise and cultivate the mind, from which we improve in decision-making, establish principles and reason for ourselves.

Fantasy book

Now you can build critical thinking

The intellect, therefore, is nourished by life experiences and above all by the culture that comes to us from other people and through different means. In this way, if you are able to reflect on all that information that you acquire and to make a sieve that is useful to you, you will get critical thinking.

A thought that will probably be worth more – there are always exceptions – than the one that would have occurred to you first if you had not informed yourself or the one that you would have read if you had evaluated it.

It is useless to give an opinion to give an opinion, or to assume what we read without questioning it, or to support an opinion if we have no reason to do so. We are annoyed by people who do it because we feel that it is not possible to debate with them on any subject: they speak for the sake of talking and they do not appreciate that you have built your arguments.

In conclusion, if we want others to take what we want to communicate seriously, adopting a position of prudence and caution is always advisable. Rarely are we absolutely right and, on the contrary, many times the other position is right.

It is about taking advantage of the power of our mind as much as we can and developing all the potentialities that exist in it, including those of informing ourselves and speaking with criteria. So now you know: think before you speak.

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