Seeks To Be Happy Without Stories, Not A Story With A Happy Ending

Seeks to be happy without stories, not a story with a happy ending

Princess tales have wreaked havoc on the collective unconscious when we talk about love. We do not need to eat partridges to be happy or for the story to end with a bunting, red, a story with a happy ending is not necessary. We have to seek to be happy without stories, not a story with a happy ending.

No. What we need is to live happily in our own way, forge independent relationships, make destiny our own. Not choosing princes blue or princesses of pink worlds, but prodding ourselves with them. With the roses, I mean. And that blister comes out, but that we learn that they smell good but that they can also hurt.

And it is that there are already too many illusions that lie (if the license is allowed) in “somewhere in La Mancha”. We have fallen off the donkey, love is not like Disney painted it or like fairy tales would have us believe.

Your crown has fallen, princess

Your crown has fallen from crying, princess. Toads do not become princes. They never did. Princes are no longer flying you, they are no longer going to rescue you from the dragon or give you kisses that bring you back to life.

The princesses are not what they were or what they “should be” either. They now want to be engineers, not dolls. And if they want to be dolls, many want to be exemplary dolls. Strong, independent, empowered.

woman with mirror setting an example

Trade prince charming for big bad wolf

It doesn’t make much sense to be a fragile, delicate porcelain woman.  Flying with a broom looks better. Goodbye to naivety and innocence, hello to cunning, sagacity and emotional independence.

Change the “I need you to breathe”  by “I like to breathe with you . Don’t die until the prince comes. Be a witch, play with dragons, feed the toads and cook the best potions of self-love in your cauldrons. Prioritize yourself. Get rid of the darkness.

And you, prince, get rid of your cape and your sword. You don’t need to fight the dragon or rescue the princess. You are not delighted, you are just in love. Whenever you want. And you also cry, laugh and sing. You are not made of steel, you are made of flesh and blood.

Face of a man

No, you don’t have to save other people’s world before your own. You also have the right to details, care and emotions. Become a big bad wolf and don’t deny your feelings. Armor is heavy, you know that well.

Let’s not look for haunted castles with dungeons for the bad guys. Let us not look for walls or colored plains. Let’s look for eyes that make us feel vertigo, that turn our hearts and that smiles make us fall in love. But the smiles that create us.

man sitting on a ladder

That fairy tales always have are a tale with a happy ending and that is not what we want, we do not want eternal loves sheathed in magical destinations or banquets or partridges. What really makes us happy is living our own way, full of freedom and madness.

Therefore, we do not have to look for a story with a happy ending, but to be happy without stories. No expectations. No magicians. No crowns. Without toads. And that the only spell we know is that of self-love, because only then can we demand a path of stars from ourselves.

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