Valuing Our Roots: A Way Of Finding Ourselves

Few things contribute as much to personal development and self-knowledge as learning to value our roots. This learning can also serve as a problem-solving strategy.
Valuing our roots: a way to find ourselves

Each of us travels different paths throughout life. Now, the origin of all of them is in our roots, which determine in part the direction of our paths and the objectives that we set for ourselves.

Therefore, as time passes, valuing our roots can be of great help, since it will facilitate the process of self-knowledge and favor our personal growth.

Now, what does it mean to value our roots? It is about investigating the place and the people with whom we have grown up and have educated us, even delving into the key values ​​and principles of our culture. Let’s go deeper.

Feet of a woman while walking

We recognize ourselves by valuing our roots

By giving value to our culture, we accept and recognize an integral and significant part of ourselves; since belonging to a certain culture, gives us:

  • Beliefs
  • Values ​​and knowledge.
  • Behaviors and ways of behaving.

Little by little, these aspects are being configured within us and determine part of our way of being, as we grow and evolve.

Now, from our native culture we do not inherit absolutely everything, even if that is where we come from. Therefore, to give value is to openly acknowledge our origin.

The people around us are also part of the universe of our roots. They teach us through their behaviors and what they tell us. They show us the world and how to deal with it, even though we also have our own strategies. Thus, a part of what we have experienced with them will also remain in us.

In this way, the way to solve problems is also shown by our culture and the people close to us. Everything we have observed and what we have received has influenced us to be who we are now.

From our roots we learn

As has been said, the fact that we value where we come from can make us aware of the importance of our context of origin. But the fact of being open to the valuation of our origin does not mean that we have to agree with everything that this entails. Let’s not forget that each person sees life differently and that as we grow, we learn to choose what gives us and what does not.

If we want to get closer to our roots to know what they say about us and how they influence us, we can start by focusing on the values ​​and principles that are indispensable in our family and culture. From all this, we will extract great lessons, for better or for worse, that may help us make decisions.

In fact, it often happens that when we find ourselves in difficult moments, it is when we have the greatest facility to remember what our roots taught us. Somehow, difficulties stir up our emotional universe and this often leads us to those situations in the past in which we felt collected or to those in which something similar happened to us and we knew how to solve it.

Woman in a window thinking about when everything does not matter to us

Know where to go, by valuing our roots

The teachings that come from our roots can help us know where to go at various times in our lives. They also help us decide how we want to get to each destination.

Valuing our roots is a form of self-knowledge, which can be very useful to reach the goals we set for ourselves. This is based on the fact that knowing how we are, it can be easier to make decisions in difficult moments, because we know how we work.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that not everything that our roots teach us has to be good or valid. In each one of us resides the ability to take advantage of positive and useful learning and discard those that are negative and that harm us.

Therefore, valuing our roots is a path in which we can surely discover a lot about ourselves. After all, inquiring about our roots is also embarking on a personal search. That is to say: our origins are part of us; Knowing them is getting closer to who we are today.

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