Benefits Of Reading Stories To The Little Ones

Benefits of reading stories to the little ones

Reading stories to the little ones is a moment of encounter between the person who reads it, the child and the author. In addition, it is a practice that has many benefits because it not only helps stimulate and develop children’s imagination, but also promotes a space of calm for them and the opportunity to strengthen the relationship.

Now, are there more psychological benefits derived from reading stories to the little ones? Without a doubt, the answer is yes. The habit of reading to children from their early years facilitates and strengthens the development of some of their cognitive abilities such as memory, creativity or even empathy.

It is important to bear in mind that when reading stories to the little ones, the fundamental thing is that they are entertaining, of various themes and above all, that they carry out moments before going to sleep. Here we explain everything that this beautiful practice entails.

Facilitates the symbolization process

Symbolization or the symbolic process is the ability we have to create meanings through images, words, stories or phrases. It is the fact of representing anything with the help of a symbol.

When we read stories to the little ones, we encourage them to generate images in their minds related to the stories we tell, that is, to be able to symbolize and shape words.

Father reading stories to the little ones

Helps develop theory of mind

When we talk about the theory of mind we talk about the ability to represent our mind and that of others, that is, to think as the other thinks. The ability to adopt the perspective of the other and from there attribute reflections, desires, points of view … When reading a story we encourage children to think like their characters, to be able to know what they would do if they were in their situation.

In addition, the theory of mind allows to anticipate situations and removes egocentricity, by giving the opportunity to think as if it were someone else. This ability develops over 4-5 years, but with actions such as reading a story, we facilitate its development.

Power the imagination

By reading stories to the little ones we empower them to create new spaces in their minds and to imagine and transport themselves to other worlds, in short, to build fictional scenarios. Therefore, we favor decontextualization, that breaking of mental rigidity, through the skill of imagination.

Favors scaffolding

The concept of scaffolding is used in developmental psychology to refer to the guidance, aids and information that children receive from their parents or educators to guide their development. Thus, the scaffolding can be understood as the basic structure necessary to create from it others of greater size and scope.

When we read stories to the little ones, we encourage them to investigate and solve, through our help, some of their doubts. In addition, on many occasions, the stories of the protagonists can serve as life lessons.

Mother reading a story

Other benefits

As we can see, there are many benefits derived from reading stories to children. To these we can add the facilitation of the comprehension process, the expansion of vocabulary and of course, of generating and promoting empathy. Reading offers the opportunity to discover new points of view.

Thus, the habit of reading to children stimulates their development and makes possible the assent of some structures and cognitive functions that will later develop. Reading a story is much more than telling stories, reading is traveling, creating magic between reader and receiver and giving wings. 

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