I Feel Discouraged, What Can I Do?

Have you ever felt that the simplest of tasks cost you a world? Apathy, discouragement or reluctance, why do they appear? In this article we are going to answer these and other questions associated with a lack of energy.
I feel discouraged, what can I do?

I feel discouraged, without desire, without energy to work on the goals that I set for myself. There are many people who walk through their daily lives feeling that internal cloud. It is like an emotional sky where the sun never finishes appearing and gray clouds slide that never stop threatening a storm.

Is it apathy, disappointment or are we bordering the abyss of some psychological disorder? The truth is that each reality is unique, each mind inhabits its own landscape and it is not easy to reach a specific conclusion that will serve us all. Discouragement is like rust that gradually eats away all well-being. Also, it is not an emotional state that appears overnight.

The reluctance and low motivation arise little by little, at first in a lukewarm and unappreciable way. Until at the end one is fully aware of not being able to do more. Of not finding motives or motivations. These are situations that we cannot neglect or leave for later; in this sense, knowing its origin and acting is decisive.

We analyze it.

Sad woman in bed thinking that I feel discouraged

Why am I feeling discouraged and what can I do?

“When I feel discouraged, I do not like myself, I dislike feeling that way because everything accumulates, I do not feel like anything and I despair of feeling this way.” Let’s admit it, most of us have found ourselves at this same emotional crossroads. The funny thing is that when we feel bad, we tend to judge ourselves more harshly.

Nobody likes to see themselves without enthusiasm and with low motivation. However, instead of criticizing ourselves or trying at all costs to reverse this psychophysical and emotional state, it is better to know why it happens. Treating each other with compassion is always more productive than using classic self-deprecating and judgmental self-talk.

Mood homeostasis and times of crisis

The University of Oxford and Warneford Hospital conducted an investigation a few months ago. They wanted to know at what point discouragement correlates with depressive disorders. Thus, when someone says that “I feel discouraged” it is common for them to wonder if they are suffering from depression.

Something we should know is that mood homeostasis tends to vary and this is completely normal. We will not always be 100%, motivation is not a stable entity and desire, like happiness, comes and goes. Being discouraged, sad and unmotivated – not always – means that we have a depression. Therefore, it is common and normal to go through times of certain discouragement, especially if the context that surrounds us is marked by changes and uncertainty.

One of the purposes of discouragement is for us to pause to reflect. This lack of energy and motivation may be orchestrated by dimensions that warrant this reflection. Perhaps it is time to make changes, to think about whether we should not leave behind certain elements, such as projects or mistakes, and take new paths.

When I feel discouraged I must value organic aspects

Lack of energy, encouragement, and motivation may be due to health issues that we may be neglecting. Thus, in many cases these states may have any of these causes behind:

  • Anemia.
  • Weak immune system and low defenses.
  • Poor nutrition can cause us to lose our spirits and strength.
  • Insomnia, as well as any sleep disturbance, can lead to these states.
  • Thyroid problems
  • Possible onset of dementia. This is an aspect that we must consider in the older population. One of the neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is lack of motivation and changes in mood.
  • Neurological problems, such as alterations in the limbic system or in the connection of the frontal cortex with the basal ganglia.

When the discouragement lasts for several days or weeks, it is always advisable to consult with our primary care physician. Thus, and in case of ruling out organic problems, it will be time to consult a psychologist.

Sad boy thinking I'm feeling down

The different types of demotivations and their origins

Demotivation is multifaceted, diverse and complex. In addition, it does not appear from one day to the next and without a reason – although sometimes we are not able to identify it. There is always a cause behind, there is always a conglomeration of situations that have led us to that emotional outlet that adds to our demotivation, fatigue and apathy.

Therefore, it is interesting to know that there are potentially demotivating sources:

  • Work demotivation : when our project and professional dreams are not in tune with the work we do every day.
  • Relational and affective demotivation. In this area enters from the relationship we have with our partner to those links with friends and family. Sometimes we feel like things are not going well and we don’t know how to act.
  • Existential demotivation. Existential crises are often behind those who say “I feel unmotivated” every day. These are moments in which we feel that life loses its meanings, in which we see no purpose, meaning or significance. They are very problematic states because they can lead us to depression.

When demotivation and discouragement become travel companions, it is advisable to consult a professional. The mind that falls into this drift gradually turns to isolation. The person stops experiencing pleasure, work becomes a very important source of stress and they may feel that they do not have the energy to carry out the simplest tasks.

It is important to begin to reformulate objectives, to work on emotions, thoughts, self-esteem and values. Some approaches, such as acceptance and commitment therapy, can be very useful to us.

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