The Psychological Benefits Of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the main elements of positive psychology. A construct that provides us with greater optimism and life satisfaction.
The psychological benefits of gratitude

For many people practicing gratitude is a strange, mystical, and overly spiritual concept. They see it as a habit typical of Buddhist monks and of the contemplative life. Something for which there is no place in our busy material world, earthly and hurried. However, the psychological benefits of gratitude are immense and well proven. 

We are used to living in the mind, disconnected from our own interior. And this would not be such a problem if it weren’t for the fact that our mind is generally full of negativity, complaint and lack. In many cases it is a dark place, full of obligations, demands and suffering. Change your perspective and you will see how the world changes before your eyes.

What are the psychological benefits of gratitude?

We usually assimilate gratitude with being grateful to someone when they do us some kind of favor. And while this is a wonderful gesture, practicing gratitude goes much further. It does not only mean thanking others for their good deeds, but also thanking ourselves and life. Both for the positive aspects and for the not so pleasant ones.

For gratitude is a peaceful and loving perspective, which allows us to observe with compassion and awareness everything that happens. It allows us to find learning and opportunity in every situation that arises. It is, in short, the daily choice to look at reality with other glasses.


One of the most important aspects of gratitude is that it provides inner peace. Most of us live disappointed or saddened by the past and distraught and fearful of the future. We also feel subject to social demands and daily obligations.

All this leads us to live from resentment for what was not, fear of what will be and the feeling of dissatisfaction because we are not all we should be and our life is not as successful as it should be. Practicing gratitude helps you to recognize the value of your past, both for the beautiful experiences you experienced and for the lessons you learned from the less positive ones

Gratitude reminds you of everything that does work in you and in your life, it shows you your virtues and the beauty of what surrounds you. The value of people who love you and the satisfaction of a plate of food, a sunset or a well-written book.

It transports you to a state of calm and fullness in which you understand that everything is fine. And you stop running and chasing happiness to discover that it is in the present. You learn to look at yourself and others with love and compassion, the judgments and the feeling of confusion end. Everything is fine, and the more you appreciate it, the clearer you feel.


Unfortunately we spend our lives identifying and recreating ourselves in all the negative aspects that surround us. That which did not go according to plan, the betrayal and injustice to which we were subjected. The bad luck that we have, the goals that we cannot achieve and everything we need to be happy.

From this position of lack we settle into the role of victims. We perceive that life is hard, painful and unfair and that we cannot do anything to avoid it. However, one of the psychological benefits of gratitude is that it helps you change your perspective and regain your power.

When you put aside what you don’t like, what you don’t have and focus on what you do, the picture is transformed. You are no longer a victim but a lucky recipient of countless joys. When you teach your mind to detect the positive that is already happening, your optimism grows exponentially and hope for the best in the future.

Increase your confidence in yourself, in others and in the future. You begin to perceive yourself in a more positive way, you see others as kinder and the future more promising. What you focus on expands. And therefore, when you deliberately place your focus on what makes you happy, you will inevitably begin to perceive lessons, opportunities and reasons to be thankful wherever you go. You have the reins of your life.

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