I Admire Noble People Who Do Not Believe Themselves More Than Anyone

I admire noble people who do not believe more than anyone

We all like noble and humble people who do not believe themselves more than anyone else, who promote through their actions the importance of knowing their own limitations and not making an unnecessary display of virtues and benefits.

Noble people flee from false and affected humility, from “I do everything better”, from narcissistic pride and excessive selfishness. And it is that the swagger of those people with airs of superiority is as unbearable as it is despicable.

Likewise, as we will see below, talking a lot and bragging too much and haughtily about what one has and what one does is usually the reflection of some kind of lack, emptiness or dissatisfaction with one’s life. In other words, what we usually express with that of “much ado about nothing .

Hands of a woman with a dandelion

A lesson in humility

“I was walking with my father when he stopped at a curve and after a little silence he asked me:

-In addition to the singing of the birds, do you hear anything else?

I pricked up my ears and a few seconds later I replied: “I am listening to the noise of a cart.” That’s it, ”my father said. It is an empty wagon.

I asked my father: “” Then my father replied:

-It is very easy to know when a cart is empty, by the noise. The emptier the wagon, the louder the noise it makes.

I became an adult and now, when I see a person talking too much, interrupting everyone’s conversation, being inappropriate or violent, showing off what he has, feeling arrogant and making people less, I have the impression of hearing the voice of my father saying: “The emptier the cart, the more noise it makes.”

Embracing couple watching the rainbow

Tell me what you brag about and I’ll tell you what you lack

Whole people are the best because they have no need to compete or to be right. Nor do they need to pretend or lie, because what they are is shown in their actions, in their temperance and in their knowing how to be.

But there are people who, sadly, are so empty that their wagon makes a lot of noise, who get tired of showing off and boasting, who do not contemplate the emotional reality of others and who need to prove their worth through hollow words and ajar doors.

This bleak emptiness is the consequence of low self-esteem, the absence of possibilities and an impoverished emotional education. That is why it is always necessary and important to work on our gaps, shortcomings and capacities.

Girl climbed to a star at night

However, when we achieve something very important to us, it is normal and common to show pride. However, from pride in effort and the goal achieved to arrogance and arrogance there is a stretch.

In this sense, to be humble with our achievements and successes we must have clear two premises that constitute the foundation of noble people:

  • It is not necessary to brag about your achievements, it is enough to wait for them to follow your example. In improving oneself and others is the true achievement.
  • It is not necessary to claim from life what you need, it is necessary to be grateful for what it has given you.

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