I Like People Who Touch My Soul Without Asking Permission

I like people who touch my soul without asking permission

The people I admire barely fit on the fingers of one hand. They are the ones I observe and listen to in silence, they are the ones that enrich me and the ones that almost without wanting to, make me better every day. Now they don’t even realize it, because their hearts are humble and they don’t even understand the scope of their examples.

We could say without mistake that everyone needs someone to admire, someone who serves as a reference and who inspires them. It is not about taking a model, imitating the words of a thinker, a writer or a media guru. We also need close references.

It is possible that you identify this type of person in a family member, a friend or even, why not, in our partner. If so, if you already have that positive and comforting presence, don’t lose it. Take care of her, take care of her and let yourself be enveloped by each of her positive stimuli.

It is often said that there are unrepeatable presences throughout our lives, people who leave their mark. Since we are all short tenants of this world, do not hesitate to take advantage of every moment, every moment in your company.

Significant people who enrich, who add and do not subtract

I like people who without permission touch my soul (4)

We are sure that throughout your life you have met people who take more than contribute, who remain more than enrich. It is something habitual and for that reason we do not have to get frustrated or even less, give up.

Something that we must bear in mind is that to build this type of positive and meaningful relationship, it is necessary that we also do our part.

  • Trust. It is possible that you have been hurt enough times throughout your life, that the family failed you in the most needy moment. Now, do not make the mistake of closing your heart, and dressing it with bitterness.
  • Let yourself be carried away by your senses. Goodness attracts goodness. If your essence is noble, you will connect with someone with the same characteristics, with the same values. If you were ever wrong, surely now you have the lesson learned and you know very well who deserves to be in your life and who does not.
  • Learn : people must never stop learning, and to do so it is necessary to be humble. Books may tell you a lot, that life has taught you countless things … Now, if there is something authentic and enriching, it is to allow us to open our hearts to people who can enrich us, bring us other points of view, transmit calm and well-being. …

The pillars of meaningful relationships: commitment and trust

It does not matter if those people who live in your soul right now are your parents, your brothers, your friends or your partner. Every meaningful and enriching relationship is sustained by two roots that should never be broken: commitment and trust.

Significant relationships, those that people give us who, without knowing very well how they are guides and guests in our hearts, differ from the rest in very different ways.  They are small details that are intuited almost from the first moment.

  • That friendship, that affection, is not measured by the number of times we see each other a week. Not for the favors we do ourselves, not for confessions or for shared coffees. It is measured by the quality and complicity of those moments lived.
  • Confidence goes beyond a “you give me I give you”. It is an “I am here for you”, and with that there is no need to say more, affection and complicity is implicit in both parts.
  • In these kinds of relationships, and with these people, we can be ourselves in all our depth, nuances, and details. The other person knows our shadows and defects very well, however, almost without realizing it, he is helping us to be better than we were yesterday.

There are people of true essence, of authentic smiles that teach us to be more complete. Sometimes we all need these encounters, because life is not just about work, eating, taking the car or eating with the family.

Living is allowing ourselves to be surprised and allowing ourselves the unforeseen, it is giving the entrance to these positive relationships that bring us new winds that enrich mind and body, and that almost without asking permission … they are installed in our soul.

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Images courtesy Christian Schloe and Claudia Tremblay


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