Social Networks Could Be The End Of Your Relationship

Social media could be the end of your relationship

Gustavo Cerati says that “what seduces is never usually where it is thought”. It seems that a similar effect is produced by social networks, which have not only become tools of contact, but also of disunity and the end of couple relationships.

Is it possible that social networks have become massive “weapons of destruction” in terms of couples and relationships? Apparently, and avoiding exaggeration, various studies show that there are millions of divorces they cause.

Let’s not forget that human beings interact with each other through social networks, but we also make a good part of our lives public. The Facebook wall or the Twitter Timeline are today a showcase to the world of millions of people.

In addition, social networks have become a powerful way of relating. In Spain alone there are more than 20 million Facebook users, almost half of the population. This figure is scary if we think globally, as it exceeds 1,500 million. The power that these tools have over our lives is obvious, because for many people they have become essential.

Divorces caused by social media

Although there have been many studies that have been carried out to analyze the impact that social networks have on our lives, we are left with one in particular carried out by a prestigious North American psychology journal.

According to data recently provided, only the social network Facebook has been the cause of some 28 million divorces worldwide. Perhaps it may seem exaggerated, but a few years ago the American marriage lawyers association confirmed these figures by establishing that this same tool caused 20% of the separations in the United States.

Broken heart in divorce symbol

In this case we have focused on Facebook, as it is the most important social network in the world today. But remember that there are many more, such as Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest … although it is evident that it is on our walls of the forum created by Mark Zuckerberg where we most feel like in our own environment or neighborhood, and there are even users who have used it. to end your romantic relationships.

Why do social networks cause divorces?

Go ahead that if your relationship is ironclad and your attitude towards social networks is sensible, the normal thing is that nothing happens. These data should not be cause for alarm. However, there are certain events that cause this unique situation.

We once again rely on data, this time based on studies on the use of social networks to find sporadic or partner relationships. According to a prestigious magazine, 58% of men and 80% of women surveyed use this tool to get appointments.

Unfaithful woman hugging her husband

It is evident that those couples who have reached a kind of stalemate in their relationship, have not taken care of it or simply make them unhappy for any reason, find a new way of meeting people and making friendships that can lead to more in social networks. . But there are more reasons:

  • The constant impact of outside information shows users that they don’t have to settle for an unhappy relationship. Social networks teach a large number of attractive, striking, compatible profiles … they are a window to the world full of stimuli.
  • According to several studies on current relationships, tolerance when facing problems has decreased. Nowadays, in the middle of the information society, it is easy to find other quick options instead of maturing the love and feelings towards a specific person.
  • Insecurity is another strong point that causes couples to break up. Excess control over the other person, since you can see their publications, their connection hours, their photos and relationships … This creates a certain distrust and fear that could end up breaking the proper communication and mutual respect.
  • Exposure to constant impacts can be another reason. Perhaps you are very clear about your relationship, but on social networks many people related to you can contact you, in search of adventure, a date … Many of them are very persuasive, so you have to be very clear about your attitude to avoid falling in networks that can be dangerous.

It is evident that social networks have changed the way we see the world. Relationships are not unrelated to it. They are a reality that, if not treated with common sense and good sense, can bring insecurity, fear or sadness. So take care of the person next to you and remember that this is still entertainment, not a way of life.

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