Fall In Love With Yourself And With Life, Then Make It With Whoever You Want

Fall in love with yourself and with life, then do it with whoever you want


They made us believe that “great love” only happens once, usually before the age of 30. They did not tell us that love is not triggered, nor does it come at a certain time. 

They made us believe that each of us is half an orange and life only has meaning when we find the other half.  They did not tell us that we are already born whole, that no one in life deserves to carry on our backs the responsibility of completing what we lack.

They made us believe that the cute and skinny are more loved. They made us believe that there is only one formula to be happy , the same for everyone and those who escape from it are condemned to marginalization. 

They did not tell us that these formulas are wrong, that they frustrate people, are alienating and that we can try other alternatives.

No one is going to tell us this, each one of us is going to have to discover it alone. And there, when you are very much in love with yourself, you will be able to be very happy and you will fall in love with someone.

We live in a world where we hide to make loveā€¦ although violence is practiced in broad daylight.

John Lennon



We have forgotten our place in the world. We are afraid of not meeting expectations, of not finding the love of our life, of not succeeding, of not achieving goals, of not being born, growing and reproducing ourselves.

Ultimately, we have submitted to what others expect of us. We have reached a point where we do not know how to respect or work ourselves. We do not know how to highlight the wonderful that is within us.


You can’t live without you

Remember that without you you cannot do anything. You cannot live, you cannot breathe, you cannot smile, you cannot fall in love … This obvious and simple reasoning hides behind it a premise that should guide our lives: take care of yourself and, if necessary, help others to that they take care of themselves.

That is, we achieve little or nothing by giving our life, our courage and our day to day to make others happy. Now, that does not mean that we should not worry about others, but that we must strike a balance and not forget the importance of fostering our own personal growth.




The roots of our tree

Highlighting our self-care should not be easy, but it is worth it. That is, when we talk about love, we must all win. For this to happen, we have to take care of our roots by watering our tree, it is the only way for it to grow big and strong.

When your inner Self fails, then everything around you fails. You cannot allow yourself to give everything for others and remain empty or empty inside, because that will create a feeling of unbearable desolation.

So first fall in love with yourself, take care of yourself and cultivate. Love life to be able to love fully and without excessive attachments. In other words, the objective is that you cultivate your happiness in order to be able to give it. If you pamper your tree and take care of it every day, its fruits will grow healthy and full of positive energy.


Featured Image from AJCass

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