Little Ways To Be Unhappy

Little ways to be an unhappy person

Have you ever thought about what does not allow you to be full and complete? Sure you will have some clues about it, but you do not know for sure, because in many cases, it is something so ingrained in your personality that it is part of your day to day. Do you really know what causes your unhappiness? Take a look at the most frequent and dangerous:

First of all, the complaint. There are “chronic complainers” who are always seeing the bad side of things, the half empty glass as it is popularly said. If you focus on the negative only, everything around you will be gray and sad, the same as if you insist on remembering the ugly moments of the past. Instead of complaining that you are too busy with so much work, be thankful for having a job, for example. Remember in turn that what you say will be a reflection of reality, so without adding many negative words in your vocabulary, the mind will focus on continuing to surround you.

Second, unhappiness appears when we avoid our problems, that is, when we do not fight or face what happens. We simply lower our arms or show a white flag. So you will also be putting off your projects and your dreams. Anything that makes you avoid showing your face or giving up before trying is synonymous with not being happy. If they find excuses or justifications all the time, if pride does not let you see reality or you believe that you are not capable of solving things, you will stay on the path of sadness.

The third way to be unhappy is to compare yourself to others, but above all, to get frustrated when you realize that others are better than you at everything. Your friend’s hair is always prettier, your mother’s cake is more delicious, your neighbor’s garden has prettier flowers, and so on. If what you do is never enough, if you do not respect yourself and recognize your virtues, it will be very difficult for you to achieve happiness.

On the other hand, if you are only worried about what will happen in the future (and what will not always happen), you will not be allowing yourself to be happy today. If fear, anguish or uncertainty are increasing, the energies of the present will be depleted. If you worry excessively and don’t keep a perspective on things, if you focus on what can go wrong and you become paralyzed, you will never be able to make smart decisions.

Fifth, those who are really unhappy are the ones who do the things they don’t love or don’t like. Perhaps the economy is not enough to give you the luxury of working on what you like, however, you can take advantage of some free time to dedicate yourself to what gives you pleasure. If you do not allow yourself to enjoy, shine or develop your talents, if you settle for what you have, you will stagnate forever.

Another way that unhappiness does not leave your life is to maintain toxic relationships, those that make you really bad. If you don’t set limits and cling to people who only bring you down or humiliate you, you will never find happiness. Those who steal your energy and good humor, those who make your head ache, those who throw everything in your face, those who live complaining and those who are never happy about your progress, those are the toxic people. It can be painful to get away from them, because in many cases they are very close family or friends. But for your good mental health and even your well-being, say goodbye.

If you want to change everyone and don’t take care of changing yourself, you will also be unhappy. When you put the responsibility on others and do not take charge of your weaknesses or shortcomings, you are subtracting boxes on the path to happiness. “He would be a better husband if he had a better wife”, “If he had less complicated children he would be a good father”, “If he worked in a better company he would be an excellent salesman”. You are not the victim, change must always be in your hands.

And finally, if you spend all the time putting your energy into pleasing others, you won’t have any battery left to be happy. What others say should not matter too much to you, since no matter what you do, there will always be someone in charge of criticizing it. So, opinions or gossip shouldn’t make a dent in your life.

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