How To Maintain Inner Peace

How to maintain inner peace

One of the maxims of the Hawaiian philosophy called Ho’oponopono reads: ” Take care of the exterior as much as the interior, because everything is one “. This idea of ​​unity is essential, for example, to understand how dissociative disorders work or to nurture inner peace from the idea of ​​the whole.

One of the pioneers in integrative medicine is Dr. Deepak Chopra. This internal and endocrine physician, specialized in metabolism, has devised various theories that are not without controversy. With her or without her, the truth is that her ideas can be an interesting starting point to take care of our inner peace.

Ideas for maintaining inner peace

Maintaining inner peace is a shared goal. To achieve this, many look to oriental philosophy for inspiration. Some focus on professional help, while the more traditional value system of our society seems to demand a revolution or at least a different path from which our own relational and technological dynamics seem to lead us.

Woman with eyes closed while smiling

When we talk about the old value system, we mean the one that focuses on extreme competition, excessive consumerism and professional success at any cost. It is still prevalent, but every day, according to Chopra, more people are looking for another way to find peace.

For this doctor, inner peace is a state that tends to remain when it is achieved. But, achieving this personal tranquility requires a long introspective journey. So, if you are willing to search within yourself, these are the lessons, goals or challenges that Dr. Chopra proposes to us to try to get to know each other a little better and feel that feeling of conciliation between what we were, we are and we want to be that, to Sometimes we need it so much.

Seek peace in you

The first step is to seek and locate peace within us. For this, the doctor reports the benefits of meditation. In this way we will be able to look inside ourselves and transcend superficial mental activity.

For Chopra, this search implies transcending habitual thought to reach the deepest area of ​​our mind, where what he considers the region of peace is located. There they are the stillness and the silence… that become a lasting experience.

Return to the place of peace

Now, the next step is to return to the place where we really feel at peace. But this way back is not physical, but mental. So, whenever we experience stressful situations that cause us uneasiness and negative emotions, we have to return to this space where we find inner peace.

Automating the return to the “refuge” will mean that it will take us less time to get to it when we need it and that, therefore, we will get less lost on the way. In this way,  we will be closer to getting rid of anger, resentment and insecurities.

Man releasing pigeons

Out with violence in any of its forms

Thus, once we know our place of peace and can return to it whenever we want, it will be easier for us to free ourselves from violence. This phase is essential to cope with impulses and control the energy that emanates from your own emotions.

According to Chopra, the result will be the intelligent management  of anger, envy and resentments. Only then will we achieve liberation, displacing the ego and the insecurity that accompanies it.

This step is important to let go of negative emotions and reach our true selves. Here in the zones of peace, while we meditate, we will lay the foundation for a more solid balance. After a while, we will assimilate it and recognize it as the real one. That is, it will simply become our being, that is, ourselves.

Daily increase in the experience of peace

At this point, it is time to make peace increase daily. That is, every day we will let ourselves be guided by that silent voice that is born from the balance achieved. In other words, that consciousness that has abandoned violence and restlessness and is based on a greater control of what happens inside us and, by extension, also what happens outside.

Woman receiving light

This is the method that Deepak Chopra proposes to find and maintain inner peace. According to him, if we all followed these guidelines, we could end centuries of war and rivalry. Is he right?

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