Purpose Of Life Through Activism

Life lengthens, while many vital purposes are lost when the children leave home or retirement arrives. Activism, the possibility of continuing to contribute to the growth of society, is a very valid option so as not to lose the initiative and the reinforcers derived from a routine with responsibilities.
Purpose of life through activism

Having a life purpose is currently compared to having a magical medicine that lengthens life, allows us to live it more intensely, makes it happier and healthier. If we used that magic medicine in large doses, we could also help many people. Basically we can achieve this if we find a life purpose through activism.

Activism also unites us through healthy actions. There is a huge amount of data that shows us how living with a purpose is a very powerful medicine. The idea is gaining such strength that what is known as Purposeful Aging LA has already been created in the city of Los Angeles.

The idea is based on the fact that activism and adulthood go hand in hand as do health and well-being. As we get older, the stages of our life change, we enter new cycles and on many occasions we lose track of our purpose. Jobs end with retirement, children leave home and we are forced to reorganize our day to day.

The scientific community has been proving for years that people who live their lives with a sense of purpose through an ideal greater than themselves add many positive aspects to their lives. They live longer, sleep better, their heart function is stronger, and they develop higher cognitive ability.

Senior couple discussing the benefits of walking while walking

Defining the purpose

The truth is that there are no more correct or better purposes than others. The purposes can be as varied as the people are. The purpose of life is not reduced to our aspirations or plans.

Having a life purpose implies having a common thread, a sense of direction in which we can develop the things in which we believe. We can find a life purpose, but it is also modifiable. It can change over time.

Activism in older people

When older adults find a life purpose in activism, their lives begin to fill with challenges, with rewards, with efforts made toward a higher ideal. They can be as diverse as animal rescue or the fight for renewable energy.

The key is to find an activism in which you feel fully recognized, in which you feel useful fighting for your ideals and that represents you so strongly that you leave home and work within a support group.

A second life

Until not long ago, people entered a third of their lives transforming part of the purpose they had during the other two stages: studying, developing a career, getting married and raising a family.

However, today society is capable of offering us a new, later life purpose, and doing it with the same strength and enthusiasm with which we carry out the life purposes of our younger age.

Life expectancy today is much higher. Health resources are better, but the key questions are ” What are we going to do with so much life ahead of us?” “What are we going to do to age well?”

Senior woman with open arms on the beach

Living space and activism

In the terminology of gerontologists, living space refers to the distance that one is able to travel from the bed to another point in a given time. In this way, a large living space is correlated with a better quality of aging. It also turns out that adults with a life purpose through activism have a larger living space, that is, they go out more.

The truth is that when an older person knows that they must get up to help in the soup kitchen or answer the phone at the local association against gender violence, their day to day will go beyond pajamas, slippers and ailments of age. Even beyond gardening or gardening.

The next adventure

To face biological aging with a life purpose through any activism is to continue to maintain an interest in the environment and the ability to influence it. The years make us slower, clueless and cautious, but that does not detract from us to contribute and to receive the natural gratification for the fact of doing so.

Activism at any stage makes us healthier, richer and wiser people. Many people start planning early for causes they would like to get involved in as they have more time. They see a continuity, they build bridges with their self beyond retirement, retirement, or family.

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