Bedtime Pass, A Method That Helps Children Sleep

The Bedtime pass can be the solution so that children sleep better, do not resist sleeping and sleep in their bed during the estimated time for it. Its effectiveness is proven.
Bedtime pass, a method that helps children sleep

Bedtime can become a really stressful affair for the family. Screaming, crying, fear, anguish, and constant sleeping and waking up can become routine when there is no effective method to manage this problem. Fortunately there are some like the Bedtime pass .

Sometimes, we can come to think that it only happens to our family, but don’t worry, we can all go through these difficulties. The important thing is to find how to act assertively to achieve a peaceful and restful sleep in each of the family members.

The little ones in the house, perhaps, are the ones who have the most difficulties when it comes to going to sleep, but making it easier does not depend exclusively on them. We show you through this article how to make bedtime healthier through the method called Bedtime Pass . Let’s get started!

Crying boy

Bedtime pass, what is it?

It is very common that children do not want to go to bed at bedtime. The reasons can be many, let’s see a few:

  • They prefer to stay longer playing.
  • They want to spend more time with their family.
  • By rebellion.
  • They are afraid (of being neglected, of the dark, of nightmares…).

There can be many causes, therefore, we must review all those routines that surround sleep. What does the child do when the hours before going to sleep? What do you do if you wake up at night?

An effective method that helps children sleep is the Bedtime pass . It is a viable technique to use in children who have difficulty or rejection at bedtime. In addition, it is supported by different research.

The difficulties that are usually addressed by this method are resistance to going to bed and falling asleep. Also, resisting participating in the routine of going to bed, calling from bed, or leaving the room after going to bed or waking up during the night.

What happens is that behaviors are reinforced or sustained by delaying bedtime and maintaining contact with caregivers.

For this, the Bedtime pass may be a suitable strategy. In fact, it is also recommended in children who are able to initiate sleep independently in their own beds or rooms.

How to implement the Bedtime pass ?

The Bedtime Pass is a way to teach our little ones to be in their bed and sleep independently, with minimal protests. Let’s see what steps to follow according to this model:

  • Sit down with the child and explain what we are going to do.
  • Explain to the child that you have trouble sleeping and that you have an idea of ​​how to help him. For example, you can say, “I know it’s hard for you to sleep, so I came up with an idea.”
  • Explain the strategy to the child as follows. “You and I will make a pass for you to use every night, you will get one pass per night” After mom and dad have put you to bed, you can use the pass for a free trip out of the room, it must be for a specific reason For example, going to the bathroom, hugging mom and dad. If you use the pass, you must give it to us (to mom, dad or caregiver), and then go back to bed ”.
  • It should be emphasized that there must be a brief specific reason (approximately 5 minutes).
  • Explain what happens after the child has already used the pass. For example, “After using the pass you must go back to bed and stay there for the rest of the night.”
  • Perform the pass with your child (ren). The more creative the better. You must allow the child to participate, so he will feel it his.
  • Just before going to bed you should give the pass to your child and remind him of the purpose.
  • If your child uses the pass, allow it, take the pass and remind him that after he has used it it is time to stay in his room and remain silent.

Now, if your child calls you after using the pass, they would try to ignore this behavior, even if they insist. And, if he leaves the room after using the pass, you must guide him back to his room physically, without speaking. Remember to impose these rules with your head, evaluating that the level of suffering does not exceed certain limits.

The first nights it is important to remind your child of the rules, until they are internalized. Also, don’t forget to reward your child for using the pass and staying in their room after that. If you are consistent, your chances of success will increase. Also, make sure other people who care for your child follow this routine.

Sleeping child

What are the benefits of the Bedtime pass ?

Since you have seen what this method is about and how to carry it out, we show you the main advantages of using it, let’s see:

  • The child will quickly learn that it is better to hold the pass, as otherwise he will not receive the attention, as he wishes.
  • Discomfort when going to bed is reduced.
  •  It is a plus for sleep hygiene.
  • Resistance to sleep can be eliminated.
  • Decreases resistance to sleeping independently.
  • Increase the level of satisfaction.
  • It gives parents and children an element of control.
  • Decrease the anguish.
  • Assertive emotional management is enhanced.
  • Improves the ability to make decisions.

Although there are all these benefits, it is appropriate to remind you that at first if the child insists on maintaining protest behaviors, it may be distressing not to go to him, but over time when you see the results that anguish should decrease, as well as said behaviors .

However, it is a research-proven effective method. In fact, in the article entitled “Brief Report: Evaluating the Bedtime Pass Program for Child Resistance to Bedtime-A randomized Controlled Trial”, written by Patrick Friman and collaborators published in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology, the study carried out by the authors is presented. .

This was a randomized controlled trial in nineteen children. The children in the study were resistant to bedtime; at first they cried regularly, and called and / or left their rooms after going to bed. Half of these children received passes to go to sleep.

Those who received the passes left their rooms and cried and screamed significantly less than those without a pass. In addition, the relatives of these children reported high levels of satisfaction and acceptance of the treatment.

In summary, the Bedtime pass is an effective method for certain cases when sleep problems occur. Using it could dramatically decrease inappropriate bedtime behaviors that some children engage in. A wonderful way to deal with the inconvenience of going to sleep and to promote healthy habits.

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