Does Sleeping With Our Pets Provide Security And Well-being?

Sleeping with our dog or our cat has consequences. Our rest can be more relaxed, we enjoy their affection, their closeness and their protection. Few customs change our lives as much as giving up a corner in the bed to our pet.
Does sleeping with our pets provide security and well-being?

There are many people who share their bed with animals. In Australia, for example, there is a saying that “on cold nights, it is best to sleep with three dogs.” No more no less. Be that as it may, few things seem more normal to some eyes than letting pets climb into bed and spend the night with someone else. However, is sleeping with our pets a recommended practice?

The medical community you take has its doubts. Moreover, if there is something that specialists in sleep hygiene ask when a person suffers a bad night’s rest, it is if they sleep with their pets. It is clear that our dogs go around a lot when it comes to finding that ideal place to sleep. Also, that cats love the night and that it is normal for them to feel more active at times.

Now, it’s not just our four-legged friends who can be annoying. Bed partners can also interfere with your night’s rest from time to time. Both animals and humans snore, have nightmares and get thirsty in the middle of the night. Every coexistence has its pros and cons, but when it comes to sleeping with our pets there are a number of advantages to highlight.

Cat representing sleeping with our pets

Sleeping with our pets, a very widespread custom

The subject of sleeping with our pets continues to raise some controversy. There are those who see this habit as a dangerous, unhygienic and not recommended practice.

Other people, on the other hand, do not see any problem. Many have already spent their childhoods sharing beds with pets. Thus, it is common for adulthood and living as a couple to continue to have an animal between the duvets.

On the other hand, studies such as those carried out at the University of Queensland, in Australia, by Dr. Bradley Smith, show us that more than half of people who have pets sleep with them. Likewise, the reasons why we do it are the following:

  • Because we love them and we like their closeness.
  • They give us a certain sense of security and protection.
  • In certain cases, having a pet around mitigates the feeling of loneliness.
  • There are people who experience a certain relaxation with the closeness of their dog or cat. The breathing of the former or the purrs of the latter generates peace and tranquility.

What does science say? Is it healthy to sleep with our animals?

In 2018, an interesting study was carried out that achieved a lot of impact. Canisius College University, in Buffalo, United States followed 962 women to deepen the quality of sleep linked to sharing rest with a pet.

  • Keeping an animal in the room was shown to always increase the likelihood of sleep disruption.
  • However, the degree of satisfaction and emotional connection with the pet generates well-being.
  • An interesting fact was also demonstrated. When it comes to sleeping with our pets, we should take one detail into account. On average, cats cause more sleep disturbances than dogs. Felines are usually more active at night and it is common for them to get up and down the bed or demand our attention.
  • On the other hand, sleeping with a dog was also shown to be more relaxing. And not only that, in this study it was shown that dog owners follow tighter schedules and tend to get up earlier.
Girl with her dog representing sleeping with our pets

Why do our pets like to sleep with us?

Often times, we make a little mistake when we talk about these little family members. We tell ourselves that we have adopted them, that they are ours. We put a necklace, a chip, we give them a house and a place in the heart. However, it is we who belong to them, and they who adopt us.

  • Dogs like to sleep with us because we are their clan, that pack to protect. Many are even territorial and can see badly that other animals (or other humans) get on the bed.
  • Cats, for their part, love the comfort of the bed. Sleeping warm and between duvets is a pleasure. In addition, the bed is a high surface from which they can have a greater view of the ‘territory’.
  • On the other hand, both cats and dogs love to sleep with us out of affection, closeness and because we are their family.

Aspects to consider when choosing to sleep with a pet

Children, adults, the elderly … Many of us like to sleep with our pets, but it is clear that we must first take into account a series of considerations regarding both hygiene and the quality of our rest. These are the points that we must attend to:

  • Our animals must have a periodic veterinary control (vaccinations, deworming, rule out possible diseases, etc.).
  • The hygiene of our pets is an important aspect.
  • We will take special care with children and the elderly. In the case of children, we will assess their age and maturity when allowing them to sleep with an animal. In the case of older people, it is not recommended if they have mobility problems, dementia, etc.
  • Likewise, if we suffer from any disease or suffer from insomnia, we will assess the suitability or not of letting our pet sleep with us.

To conclude, anyone who is a lover of these wonderful life companions will have ever considered the possibility of giving them a corner of our bed.

Doing it or not is still a personal opinion, something very particular that each one decides. Be that as it may, the most important thing is to guarantee their well-being and ours, and if the night is more placid with them by your side, there is no reason to raise any more objections.

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