Don’t Let Panic Control You, Take Charge!

Panic can creep over us in stealthy ways until it overpowers us, practically without our realizing it. Having tools to know how to identify it and stop it early is essential, and we help you with it.
Don't let panic control you, take the reins!

Maybe one day, when you leave work you start having trouble breathing, maybe your heart starts racing and the room or place where you are starts spinning. When this happens, the sensation that we experience is very similar to that of being sick. In addition, when faced with a very powerful disease, since panic tries to take over you and your emotions.

Once you discover it, it is best to go to a professional who will facilitate and train you in the use of certain strategies that reduce the duration and intensity of panic episodes.

The way in which panic tries to invade you is very characteristic. Thus, when you have named it and it repeats, you can identify it for sure.

When everything becomes unstable

The manifestation of panic attacks has different differential symptoms, depending on the person experiencing them and the circumstances of the moment in which they occur.

A panic attack usually lasts about 10 minutes and usually has some common symptoms in people who have it. If you want to know if what is happening to you may be a panic attack, you will have to identify some of these symptoms:

  • Sudden attack of fear and nervousness
  • Tachycardias
  • Sweating
  • A disproportionate response to the situation
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feeling of suffocation or suffocation
  • Dizziness or feeling faint
  • Tremors that do not let you stand
  • Nausea or stomach aches
  • Fear as if you are not in control of yourself or that death is approaching

When a panic attack happens, it is so bad that there is an excessive fear of going through the same thing, so it is common to avoid places and situations where an attack has occurred or where it is believed that it may recur. happen. In more technical words, we generate anticipatory fear, which in the end becomes one more trigger for the attacks.

panic disorder can occur along with other serious illnesses such as depression, anxiety or stress disorders,

You can take charge and tame those emotions

But the reality is that you can be in control, it is a false belief to think that you do not have the reins of your life or that external factors dominate you. You may not be able to control everything that happens in the world, but you do have control of how you react to different situations.

For example, if you do not like your job, you should think about changing it, if you have a complicated disease to treat, you can find the right emotions to deal with the diagnosis and face the disease.

There is a question that you must ask yourself in order to realize the insignificance of the threat you feel: what is the worst that can happen? Think that you are experiencing a panic attack because your mind has activated circuits that should remain inactive in the situation in which you find yourself at that moment. Your mind acts as if there is a threat that is not real.

One idea is to find a solution for the worst case scenario you can imagine. You will realize that, even if that unlikely event that you have identified as worst occurs, you will be able to move forward without the measures you have to take to correct the possible damage having a very high cost. At least, that you can’t afford.

If you want to panic, it’s temporary

A panic attack will not last forever, you cannot be in a state of fear for long. Typically, your body returns to a normal state once the panic attack has passed.

A good tool to control panic has to do with managing attention: having distractors ready to escape will prevent the panic from being reinforced, cognitively at least.

Regarding organic symptoms, having trained relaxation techniques can be a great resource to counterbalance the changes that panic produces in our constants, thus accelerating the return to calm.

Relaxing your mind, with guided meditations or simply closing your eyes and concentrating on calming thoughts will help you release all the tension that the panic attack may have left you.


You can mentally express positive affirmations about yourself, such as: “I am a powerful person”, “I am strong”, “I am able to be well and overcome what happens to me.” Be self-aware and find out what triggers panic attacks. To do this, you can follow any of these strategies:

  • Assess if you have too much pressure at work and look for solutions
  • Avoid coffee, sugar, or alcohol
  • Assess if you have too much pressure in any area of ​​your life
  • Avoid people who are toxic to you

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