I’m Going To Live Until I Die

I will live until I die

“The next time you have to decide about your own life, that you have to make a personal choice, ask yourself a very important question:” How long am I going to be dead? ” Faced with that eternal perspective, you can now decide what you prefer, what you choose, and leave to those who will always be alive the fears, the worries, the question of whether you can afford it and the guilt.

If you don’t start acting this way, you can already formulate the concrete possibility of living your whole life as others think it should be. Certainly if your stay on earth is so short, it should be at least pleasant. Simply put, it’s about your life; do with it what you want ”.

(Wayne Dyer)

What do these words suggest to you? Utopia? Idealism? Unrealizable in practice?

Whatever they seem to you, these words are about you, more specifically about your life; The one that sometimes or always ends up making you bitter by yourself.

Without invoking external agents or outsiders, we are going to try to calm your inner state, contemplate more and begin to realize that the greatest challenge is not in your circumstances, but in yourself.

Starting from this wonderful text, we are going to separate the ideas that seem so idealistic, we are going to point them out, and finally we will provide some advice so that you can carry them out.

We will do all this because deep down, no matter how low we feel, we believe that life is a gift, your existence is a fact and it is worth living it, without your head making this path a trauma. It is just a walk, a walk that deserves to be walked and respected, as Frank Sinatra said: “I’m going to live life until I die.”

First reflection:

Hang your sorrows without solution on a rope,  also put your worries that can never be solved. Hang them, look at them, and think: What can I do with all this?

If you can’t do anything, leave them hanging. If you think a worry is healthy to move forward, take it. We’ll see later if you can really carry it. The rest, leave it there.

It is not a question of them rotting, but leave them to the wind, to the earth, to the sun, to the rain. Perhaps those supernatural agents can do something with them, but your head cannot take it anymore. There is no solution, there is no cause why they appeared in your life, even if you have been remembering for years what could have happened to get there.

You have done everything you could to find an answer and for all of it to be integrated into you. But they can’t find a way to mold themselves into your head without making you suffer. Therefore, let them go. They are in a wider and wiser place. Perhaps they also wanted to go out into another reality because your mind was suffocating them. Turn around. Are you feeling lighter?

Second reflection:

There are things harder than worries and insecurities. There are traumas, griefs, losses, illnesses. It is more difficult to get it out of your head, but you can put it in your hands, holding it, not taking away the experiential value it has had in your life.

So bear all these things for a time, whatever you need. Stay with the lesson they gave you or are still giving you, but one of those lessons that help you continue to be better than you were before.

And do not stay in that suffering, give it to the universe from your hands, tell it to do what it can with it and that you, in return, will move on. The universe will be delighted.


Third reflection:

Walk lightly. Now is the time to regain the magic that you once lost. Be intuitive. Contemplate nature. Smile. Do everything you did, but without your mental burden.

Remember that it does not matter what you think, it is what you do. … Dare!


If you are nervous, sad, confused, you feel anxiety…. They are emotions, treat them as such. Don’t avoid them, they are part of you. They are our backpack, but they are not the switch that drives us. Are you. It is not they that differentiate us, but what we do with them, or what we do even when they are unwanted.

Accept the challenge of living life even if you don’t feel ready for everything. If you only knew, what a bore!

Fourth reflection:

We go to a more “complicated” phase. It is time to choose, we will all die in the same way, let the others let you live as you decide.

What do you allow yourself at this point? Don’t you think the time has come to look for reinforcers? To look for those things in life that make you feel good?

Leaving so much pain behind, you might feel weird. It’s normal, sadness is addictive. Your mind tells you sad things and you act according to what it tells you, that’s how it has always been.

To change that routine that had you so entertaining, don’t expect your mind to tell you NOW! Our mind has evolved to warn us of dangers and is very unsympathetic. It is time to do the things that your soul and instinct tell you, but that you have never stopped to listen.

Making a call, reading, buying a ticket and taking a trip, going for a walk or simply giving a hug, are activities that will make you feel good. Sit back and contemplate. When you stop struggling with destructive feelings, everything starts to look different.

Fifth reflection:

Choose. Choose what you want to be. Like a soul within this vast universe, he will ask few explanations from you. Choose not for convenience, not for what makes your gender, choose what you want to do with your time.

Choose what you see. Choose the people close to you. Choose what you read. Turn off the TV. Discard, without being brusque.

Build a life that is in accordance with your values, even if they are not shared by most.

It is true that sometimes this life is hard, but perhaps death is scaring you, instead of showing you that life is short and that you should take advantage of it.

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