In This House We Make Noise, We Say “I’m Sorry ” And We Hug Each Other

In this house we make noise, we say "I'm sorry" and we hug

In this house we make noise, we say “I’m sorry”, we give hugs and second chances. Because being a family is allowing the sound of life to surround us and refine the music of our daily scores, where there is respect and above all, sensitivity for the needs of all its members.

Something we all know is that no house can be compared to another. Each family is structured based on dynamics and its own exclusive communication codes that do not always guarantee the happiness of all the protagonists. It is something really complex.

There are very large houses where in addition to luxury, loneliness and unhappiness can inhabit. On the other hand, there are also small houses where only the bustle of that wise joy reigns in reciprocity, in making the difficult easy. In accepting differences. Because at the end of the day, true wealth is precisely that, in being united and in knowing that the most valuable thing is not what we have but who we have by our side.

We invite you to reflect on it.


The elements that make up the psychology of a house

A house is a miniature universe, a reflection of society under a microscope. What happens between those four walls and in that environment is a tremendously powerful combination where values, behaviors and emotions impact each of the inhabitants of that family in a certain way.

Now, experts in environmental psychology tell us that every environment is made up of three basic and essential elements, which we also see in any house.

  • They are those physical elements that give a home something that for Feng Shui, for example, is very important. According to this philosophical and aesthetic approach, the harmonic arrangement of space has a certain influence on people’s emotions. This is something that we will all have noticed sometime.
  • , for their part, are determined by the interrelationships of the people who inhabit that space, their habits and their way of establishing links with each other.
  • they are undoubtedly the most relevant processes in family dynamics. It is here where the paradigms, beliefs, values, personality style and the own conditions established by each of the members of a family are found.
child trapped by the dynamics of the house

A house, therefore, is a closed space where all its “tenants” unfold their invisible wings of influence in their particular nests where, on the one hand, the most absolute well-being can reign or, on the other, the most complex unhappiness depending on those mental processes.

For our part, we want to explain to you how the most dignified and enriching homes are built, those with their own music and where despite the fact that there are very high notes and others very low in their vital scores, the song is always just as beautiful.

Characteristics of the enriching family

The emotionally wise and enriching family knows, first of all, that the important thing is not to always be together. There are no unconscious or conscious pressures to control each member to take their place in “the nest”, in that suffocating bubble where growth and freedoms are vetoed.

  • In the wise house it is not important to be together because the essential thing is to be united.
  • The enriching family transmits positive emotions through looks that are cared for and understood. There are no viruses of blackmail at all or nothing, of “because I say so” or ” if you do that, it is because you don’t love me.”
  • The light of the open windows, of empathetic hearts and of those voices used to making noise, to express themselves freely, with authenticity without vetoes or fears, lives in the smart and happy house.
  • Differences are accepted in the healthy home, there are no penalties for different points of view, everyone has their personal spaces to grow in dignity and common spaces where they can share that dignified and happy bond of the family that is adored and liked. to share time together.

A house is where our favorite people live together, those we call family because they have known how to create a home from the heart, through the purest and most noble affections. Because at the end of the day, they  are those people you keep laughing with every day, the ones who ease your tears, and the ones who make life always worthwhile.


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