Make A To-do List That Really Works

We have all made a list of tasks. But has it really worked as a productive resource? Well, in this article we want to point out some strategies so that this tool is really useful and not a source of frustrations.
Make a to-do list that really works

Most of us have made a to-do list at some point, especially in those times when we have a lot to do. The most common is that we simply write a column of pending and then we mark  the activities that we have completed.

Likewise, the most common thing is that at the end several activities are left uncompleted or that we see each other on all fours to give the go-ahead to the entire task list. However, that we do this exercise spontaneously only means one thing: we value such lists and we know that we have to keep a minimum order in the planning of what we are going to do.

The first step to making a to-do list worthwhile is to create it well. The best way to make one of these lists is not simply by noting down the pending items, but by ranking it in order of priority , with deadlines and concrete results to be achieved. Let’s see.

Woman writing down goals in her notebook

Time management

Much is said about time management, because it is truly a very valuable resource. Time is life and, if we don’t manage it properly, it is simply wasted without really knowing why. The objective of organizing time  is to have more free time to enjoy the best of life.

There are those who say that it is wrong to talk about time management, but rather we should talk about energy management. The time is there and it moves on, regardless of what we do about it. It is not something we can handle, lengthen or shrink.

Beyond managing time, the important thing is to manage our energy. This means organizing work and rest moments in such a way that we do not become overloaded or fatigued or reach our limits. It also means reserving moments to recharge energy and, in this way, maintain a balance.

The to-do list

The to-do list is a very useful tool to organize time and properly manage our energy. Depending on our circumstances, we can make a daily, weekly or monthly to-do list. This mainly depends on the real probability that we have to carry out an activity.

Some activities, yes or yes, we must develop them with a marked periodicity. Others depend on external factors or external decisions and we cannot predict whether we will have to make them or not. For example, claiming an invoice or others needing our help.

Most of us have a good number of activities that are stable. For this reason, it is best to make a weekly to-do list, in case there are also few predictable activities, or monthly, if predictable activities are the main thing.

Relevance, a decisive factor

For the to-do list to work, the ideal is that it meets some characteristics that make it functional. The first is that it is organized in terms of priorities. At the beginning of the day and at the beginning of the week, the most relevant and difficult activities should go.

In the same way, always, at the end of the day and the week, the simplest tasks should go, those that require less effort and that, at the same time, are less decisive.

The most difficult thing is prioritization, because in principle it seems to all of us that there are too many relevant things on our agenda and at a superficial glance we may have doubts when it comes to classifying them.

If you analyze carefully, you will realize that this is not really the case. If you have to make two reports, for example, surely one is more important than the other.

Likewise, when making the report, it is much more important to specify the central ideas than to print it. In this way, and in this example, you must first point out the central ideas of the most difficult report. So on.

Man thinking about a conversation

Other details for our to do list

The first step then is to prioritize your tasks and within each task, prioritize the activities necessary to carry it out. Ideally, your list should not include generalities such as “do the report” (to continue with the previous example), but rather “identify the three main ideas of the report.”

The appropriate thing is that the important things to do in the day do not exceed three and that all of them are scheduled to be carried out first thing in the morning, at the beginning of the week and at the beginning of the month. If you want an even more efficient to-do list, ideally define your tasks in terms of measurable goals. In our example, “write three ideas” speaks of a quantified goal. If there are four better, but at least three.

Finally, it is good that you put a time limit on each activity. This, in many cases, is an exercise in realism. Thus, each task must have its completion time set. Schedule a short break between homework, as well as at least one long break during the week.

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