More Time For You, How To Achieve It?

There are many techniques to organize activities and thus have more time for yourself. Perhaps the problem is that you do not use these tools because deep down you do not want to have free time. Will this be your case?
More time for you, how to achieve it?

Having more time for yourself is a very healthy goal. After all, time is life; if you always have it committed to others, you are missing out on living. Although it seems like a relatively simple goal to achieve, for many people it is not, suffering the consequences.

The funny thing is that we have never had so many technological aids to save time. There are endless appliances that make life easier, communications fly and you can order everything at home. Still, for some reason you don’t have any more time for yourself.

Two reasons are what often explain the fact that you do not have time for yourself. Either you have not managed to organize your activities properly or you are doing more than you really can. Let’s go deeper.

Stressed woman at home

More time for you: the two dimensions

In the life of every person there are two great dimensions of time and both are very valuable. The first is the one that corresponds to the time of the obligations; the second, free time. Many times the first mistake is in thinking that only the lapses dedicated to the commitments are important.

If you want to have more time for yourself, you need to change the idea that obligations are the only important thing. Nothing more wrong. For a few months, and even years, you don’t notice how much free time you need. You can condition yourself and reduce your rest to the maximum , believing that it does not affect you.

However, there comes a time when things start to fail. It is very usual that you do not see it coming. You just start to be less productive or suddenly you get fed up with everything and just comply, or you start to get sick frequently. It means that you are burning because, oh surprise, the time for you, and only for you, was important.

The art of discarding

There are people who impose a whole host of obligations on themselves. There are those who work, raise their children, take care of their partner and keep their home ready. There are also those who get three jobs during the week and another for Saturdays and Sundays. They have obligations and see no other way out.

In the world of the extremely busy, we also find those who have decided to do two simultaneous careers, with a part-time job and a few free courses in their “free time.” Or those who dedicate 24 × 7 to the entrepreneurship they started, etc.

There may be times when it is necessary to use yourself more thoroughly due to a specific situation. The problem is when this becomes a way of life in which the idea that no activity is disposable predominates. That is precisely the most difficult barrier to break.

Worried man

More time for you?

You hurt yourself a lot by forcing yourself to be active all the time, with no free time. As we already noted, the consequences will be seen later and also later you may discover that it was not worth it. While it is very positive to dedicate time to your projects or working towards your goals, this is not everything. It is not even the most important thing.

You only manage to have more time for yourself when you renounce that attitude of sacrifice, gaining a new point of view to analyze reality. There is also another barrier to overcome: when you occupy yourself so much, perhaps the problem is not only the commitments or the obligations; You may be avoiding thinking about a problem that you do not want to face.

That may be why having free time makes you uncomfortable. You experience it as a void, a loss. You don’t know what to do with those times when you’re not required to produce and that’s why you end up filling them with more work. It is also possible that you carry the prejudice that it is bad to have free time -and but to dedicate it to activities that only take care of your interests-.

If you want to have more time for yourself, the best thing to do is to start prioritizing. This is not only to organize tasks in order of importance, but also to give your personal time the place it deserves. There are many techniques to get organized, although you may not use them because you do not have a desire to do so. Think about it.

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