One Day Is A Life In Miniature

One day is a miniature life

One day is a new lease on life. One day is a new opportunity to get up and be happy, even if it is a rehearsal and never becomes a complete work. One day can summarize in its long or fleeting hours the essence of yourself and your dream come true.

A new day is another opportunity to do everything that you would regret not having done. All those things that at present seem impossible and that seen over time are only answered with a ” What a fool I was … ” or with a ” What was I thinking “.

A new day is the opportunity not to give time to regret about what you did not do yesterday. It gives you a new possibility to break the limitations of laziness, sadness or discomfort. A new day is the miniature opportunity to make your life something worthwhile.

Each important piece is an engine, in the same way that days are in the end of life. Do not regret having had a bad day, because in that regret you lose the opportunity to create another day that is worthwhile.

Don’t count the days of your life, make the days count

Surely you have seen yourself countless times counting the days of the calendar until you reach the “special day”. The day that I will collect my salary, the day that I will be able to finish this job, the day that I will finally be able to see someone I love. We even think about that long-awaited day when everything is fixed, the day when I can be happy. During those days, time and life are lost.

free woman black hair sitting

When we dream of good days in the future, we miss countless opportunities to create happy days in our present. When we date happiness, we assume that happiness cannot occur in the here and now. To realize this, let’s reflect on this little story that I have created and that houses a metaphor about the value of things that are already happening in our day and we do not value:

A girl once dreamed of reaching an enchanted garden. There, everything would be populated with plants that were entangled between them creating figures. Under its grass and under its herbs you could find endless secret passages and an innumerable number of beings from another era, with exuberant clothes and beautiful ornaments. The animals seemed to possess supernatural qualities. There, under the earth, he would find many roads full of adventure and fun, there were no cruel or despotic people and when he wanted he could leave the passages and rest breathing the pure air of that enchanted garden.

One day the girl grew up and made a firm decision: she would do everything possible to reach that enchanted garden, full of calm and in which she would very surely find someone ideal to spend the rest of her life. That is why he steeled himself and started on his way. In it he discovered landscapes that he never believed were possible in reality, but he also suffered many dangers and encountered very unpleasant people, although in reality the good people seemed to be much more numerous.

She had already lost the notion of space and time of her trip when she was suddenly immersed in a forest full of weeds and animals that did not seem to have “very good intentions.” Still, the girl kept walking, willing at all costs to reach her enchanted garden with the prince included.

In her a contradictory mood began to take place: sometimes she was angry at the great difficulties that there were to get to the enchanted garden, but at the same time she felt happy and proud of herself for overcoming all those setbacks.

On one of those days, tired and almost without strength, she noticed that in the distance was a small cabin with a humble orchard and some animals. It seemed that a young man worked that land and lived on it. He hesitated to approach to ask for shelter for a few days and some food, but finally he made up his mind to do so. He met a nice and attentive boy, who did not hesitate to open the doors of his modest cabin so that he could rest there.

couple holding hands

The girl slept peacefully on a mattress made by the young man himself that was on the floor. It was not a palace bed, but he slept for hours and hours in such a way that when he woke up he felt like new. The stay in that cabin seemed extremely warm.

He didn’t think much of his enchanted garden anymore, he hadn’t decided not to but it just happened. She was attentive to how the fruits were picked from the trees, how to prepare the cabin for the harsh winter to come, and had numerous conversations with the young man in the cabin. She was attracted to him, made him laugh and felt the best version of herself.

One of those nights the romanticism came with force and established a stamp of passion and complicity between both young people. At some point, when they were hugging and sleeping, the girl thought again of her enchanted garden. He was entertaining himself a lot in that humble cabin with that boy, he was taking advantage of the minutes of his stay so much that he did not realize that he had a greater goal to follow.

In the middle of the night, full of anguish and confusion, the girl started to flee. He had to follow behind his dream, his future. She couldn’t let him wait or find another shortcut. She had been in the now so long that she forgot all the good things that the days to come would bring for her. “

Any day of your life is good to fulfill a part of your dreams

As you read this story, you will surely have imagined an ending, happy or not, for this girl. In reality, the story does not want one or the other to be right, but rather to ask ourselves a dilemma. If you are one of those who think that to achieve a dream you have to make sacrifices, it will seem good to you that the girl goes after him without hesitation.

But on the other hand, we must rethink what the meaning of a dream is: dreams are those that provide happiness, those that by achieving them give you the feeling of taking advantage of every day.

Perhaps you dream of being a rock star that fills stadiums, but suddenly you find yourself playing in the street and it gives you immense pleasure, putting a soundtrack to the day-to-day life of passers-by has its merit. And his little patch of glory. Perhaps you have dreamed of Prince Charming and on the way you have met a simple man, who with the mere fact of hugging you scares away all your demons.

Perhaps the girl in the story reached her destination, her enchanted garden, and when she arrived she realized that all the wonders she had dreamed of had already been seen in one way or another on her way. It ended up being boring for him not to take any risks.

Perhaps that girl waited again for the days to pass, the seasons, to watch her enchanted garden change its appearance. Perhaps she did it alone, with longing for the days that have already passed with the humble young man of the cabin and her expectations were no longer in the days to come.

woman with dragonflies

Again, the girl had forgotten the most important thing: to immerse herself in the new that that same day brought to her. From so much letting the days go by, life had passed him in front of him and in his back and it had never settled in his head.

That is why it is important that we become aware of being able to make a little of our dreams come true every day. The girl was always surrounded by opportunities and beauty, but she never noticed. He dreamed of life big and forgot to live it in small doses, in various miniature versions.

Do not forget when you wake up that each day is a life in miniature, a new opportunity to make your dream come true. Even if it’s only a part of him. Dreams are there to motivate us on a daily basis, not to forget to live them in our present.

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