Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is necessary to be an expert or professional of something. But, unfortunately, we do not always practice activities that lead us to be better and to become, in some way, teachers.

Sometimes we focus our strength and energy on things that are not beneficial to our complete well-being. So we spend a lot of time in our lives practicing impatience, stress, anger, frustration, sadness, anger, fear, insecurity, procrastination, etc. Which is completely counterproductive for personal development.

Practice makes a master

The practice of fear of what they will say prevents you from being free

Freedom is the power and right of people to choose responsibly their own way of acting within a society. Therefore, if you live with a continuous fear of what others will say or think, you will never be able to behave as you want, do what you feel, enjoy, grow as a person, etc. Ultimately, you can never really be free.

Therefore, it is important to discover what your own dream is, what is important to you, what fulfills you and makes you happy. Your objectives or personal goals reveal what your values ​​are, and your values ​​reveal who you are.

dart hitting the target

In this sense, you must ask yourself: what habits do I practice every day to achieve my dreams? Because in everything that you practice with effort and tenacity, you will become an expert . Everything you practice will become stronger and stronger in your life, it will take up space, gain ground. Practice every day, every moment, create a work routine. 

This is the key to get what you want, to achieve success, to fully enjoy life.

Which way do you want to take?

The human being, like any living organism, is created to get closer to what is good, to what gives him well-being, and to move away from what causes him suffering. However, in our current society and culture this is not always the case.

Many times, sadness and frustration take over us, and we are not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We sink with adversities, instead of seeing them as opportunities. But, we have to change this perspective and try to make the most of life.

To do this, we must choose which path we want to take, deciding where to go. Each of us has the opportunity, at any time, to change our course and focus on going towards a path that leads to authentic happiness.

Thus, you must always keep in mind that you are the one who directs your path and your life, you mark the steps, when you change your attitude, new opportunities and new paths open up.

man walking a new path

Claim that time for yourself. Dedicate hours of the week to practice what you like or to be with those people who make you happy.

Now it’s your turn, are you ready to change the course of your life? After reading this article, what will your new practice be? Take your time, think, reflect and explore within yourself. Find out where you want to go!

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