Speak Fluently, Much More Than A Question Of Image

Speak fluently, much more than a question of image

Speaking fluently is a factor that greatly influences the course of our relationships. In addition, indirectly, it also does so in self-esteem and the ability to manage conflicts. This ability goes beyond being a cosmetic matter that makes up the image we project. If you can express yourself easily, your whole life is enriched and improved.

Language and expression are realities that are directly related to thought and emotions. A confused thought or very intense and changing emotions hinder our ability to speak fluently.

On the other hand, speaking fluently does not necessarily mean talking a lot or carrying the weight of the conversation. In fact, people who find it difficult to give up the floor can generate a deep rejection.

It is recommended that we develop the ability to say what we think with greater precision and at the most opportune moment. How to do it? Here are some recommendations that may be useful to you in that purpose.

To speak fluently, meditate and listen

Meditation is one of the best ways to clarify and order our thoughts. Therefore, it is also a good way to improve our ability to speak fluently. You don’t need to become a Tibetan monk. Just take a few minutes a day to breathe deeply, trying to clear your mind.

This practice, progressively, leads you to think in a more orderly and accurate way. It also helps irrelevant ideas have less and less place in your mind. A clearer and more focused mind always takes on the reflection of fluency in expression.

Listening is another one of those excellent means to elevate your expression skills. Improve your communication skills and help establish a bond. If others feel heard, the probability that they will listen to us will also increase. Thus, the relationship will be the one that will benefit.

Woman meditating to be able to speak fluently

Read, write and say what you think

Through reading the lexicon is enriched and the intuitive knowledge of linguistic structures is refined. It is something that happens without you realizing it. Good novels, essays or poetry put you in contact with the most refined forms of language. That increases your chances of being fluent.

Writing, for its part, is an activity that helps you organize and express ideas. To write, order is needed, an order that we often agree to when we need to put ink in our voice. In this sense, the thought and outlined speech gives us an extra confidence when it comes to expressing ourselves.

Secondly. it is very important that you learn to trust your own voice. That is why it is advisable that you do not measure each sentence, modifying it until it becomes artificial, a lie, oblivious to what you feel. When it is already in the thought and you have it clear, there is no reason to be silent. Don’t be the one to gag your feelings, unless there is a compelling reason. Otherwise, the lack of oxygen can end up hurting you a lot.

Simplicity, respect and emotion

Speaking fluently has nothing to do with using fancy words or techniques for everything. Nor with assuming such a high formality in your way of expressing yourself that you end up looking like someone totally artificial. In this sense, speaking in a direct and simple way will make others understand you earlier and better.

In addition, it is necessary to respect the interlocutor. Know his name and mention it when you speak to him. Respect also refers to accepting the ideas of the other and not insulting those who think differently. You can express your disagreements by giving up that bigotry.

In today’s world it has become very common for people to want to express themselves in a neutral way. Many believe that this denotes more security or autonomy. The “subjective” has acquired a certain negative connotation. It does not have to be this way. The subjective is also valid and you have every right to express subjective appreciations against what you want.

woman trying to speak fluently

Two final recommendations

On many occasions, a communicative and open attitude will be the key to avoid producing or solving misunderstandings. In this sense, hiding your opinions because they do not coincide with those of others is really not a good idea. This will only increase the tension, so that, when we can’t take it anymore, we end up exploding, saying phrases that we don’t really feel …

On the other hand, if you are afraid to talk about how you feel, especially when this feeling is positive, we recommend that you make an effort to put yourself above fear. Thus, in addition to nurturing the self-love of others, you will also indirectly nurture yours: it will be easy for others, or a good part of them, to adopt the same attitude with you.

Speaking fluently contributes to more fluid relationships with others, while increasing the feeling of greater autonomy and freedom. It is worth it that you propose to have a better communication with yourself and with others: it will directly affect your quality of life.

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