The Fable Of Feelings: Is Love Blind And Crazy?

The fable of feelings: is love blind and crazy?

One of the feelings that cannot be explained in words but that we all experience at some time: love. He is blind and is accompanied by madness, as is represented in “the fable of feelings”, where everyone plays hide and seek and is the last to be found.

Is it true then that love is blind and crazy? We may have fallen in love with people we should not have or we have done strange things in their name … it is also likely that we do not understand why we feel butterflies in our stomach when they talk to us about our partner or how we can find sanity when we are with The loved person…. Is he blind and insane? What do you think?

First evidence: love is blind

We will not tell you the fable of the island of feelings because surely you already know it. But if we would like you to know why at the end of the story it is said that “love is blind.” The literary explanation indicates that it is because while they were playing hide and seek, madness hurt love in the eyes and left him blind (and then he decided to always accompany him, although we will deal with that later).

Now, what does it mean that “love is blind”? When we fall in love we do not always measure the consequences, we do not have the ability to criticize who we have next to us (their defects for example) and we think that nothing bad can happen to us.

Woman in love with covered eyes

Although the fable is very beautiful and serves to explain our feelings, what science says about it is also interesting. Falling in love deactivates certain areas of the brain. Precisely those in charge of social judgment the evaluation. That means that when we fall in love we separate our ability to evaluate the person we love.

The conclusion that other studies have reached is that “love blinds us.” Why? Because the mind eliminates the warning mechanisms in the face of danger and at the same time releases a great feeling of euphoria and well-being, impossible to explain but to demonstrate. It is said that “we are in the clouds” when that is not feasible (not even if we go by plane).

That is why it is popularly said that we are “blind” when we fall in love. Fortunately, we do not lose our vision, although we do lose good judgment. For this reason, it is also indicated that love is accompanied by madness … because we do not realize what we do, think or say!

Second evidence: love is crazy

We are sure that love can save the world, that it has the ability to move mountains or change a culture of thousands of years … the madness we feel when we fall in love takes us away from monotony, from the everyday, from the “normal”.

We don’t mind traveling hours and hours, waiting in the rain, going to a concert even if we don’t like the singer or sitting down to watch football even though we don’t understand anything. Love is crazy because it makes us feel invincible, immortal, and like no one is looking at us.

Heart balloons


We do not mind talking like children in the middle of the central square, or doing strange things in the name of love. If in the past someone was in charge of inventing love, they were undoubtedly crazy, there is no greater explanation for it.

Therefore, the next time you have to talk about love, do not forget the fable of feelings and remember that “he is blind and madness accompanies him.”

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