The Important Thing Is That The Glass Can Be Refilled

The important thing is that the glass can be refilled

How many times have we heard the question: How do you see the glass, half full or half empty? The answer to this question, as we already know, comes to say that if you are an optimistic person, who focuses on the positive and pleasant in situations, you will see the glass half full.  In other words, you will think that you still have a lot of “water to drink” and that all is not lost.

In the same situation and on the contrary, if you are a person with a tendency to pessimism, you will perceive the glass as half empty, that is, you will put all your attention on the negative aspects of situations, without taking into account the positive ones and you will think that soon ” your water runs out “

What position do you think is the most successful? Surely, you affirm, that obviously optimism: seeing the good side of things and it is true that it is much more beneficial for us, what happens is that not from all situations we can extract something positive, sometimes they are quite unpleasant. Of course, we can always be reborn as the phoenix, start over.

Refill the glass

Human beings have a capacity called resilience that helps us and pushes us to adapt and overcome painful situations. The objective is to face the situation and emerge stronger from it.

Glass filling up with water

Everything is in continuous transformation, nothing is permanent. It is the grace of this, that one day you are living a stage and you think it is forever and when you least expect it, you wake up with a totally different life. Of course, you have to work so that the  changes take place, not despair and keep adding.

Therefore, it is not about being optimistic or pessimistic. It is much better to be realistic.  Realize that it is true that our situation can be very negative and that it is difficult to get something good out of it, but that no matter how scary it is, it will pass, we will adapt and it will harden us.

What if the glass empties completely?

It can happen and that is why it is so important that as long as you have it full or half full you appreciate it and appreciate it. We are not educated to give thanks for what we have, rather we are taught to complain about what we lack and to try to get the most out of it.

As we have said, everything is constantly changing and therefore, whether you are in a bitter or sweet situation, it can always be transformed, emptied or filled. We have little control in situations, in what will happen or will not happen, for this reason it is not convenient to stay in the past ruminating on what happened, or to travel to the future and obsess over what may come.

The really ideal thing is to enjoy the present, with what you have in hand. If you can do something to add more water to your glass, wonderful !, but if not, it is in your power to do it, leave the glass as it is and enjoy it.

Empty glass on wooden table

The glass does not fill if …

It is true that we cannot control external situations or others, but  we can control ourselves, both at the level of thought and behavior.

If you are thinking of filling your glass, forget about staying home waiting because you will not get it. To obtain new results, we have to take different actions, change our way of assessing situations, our interpretations and thus, little by little, we will change what surrounds us.

Therefore, change always begins with us, with our willpower. We have to be able to put ourselves in our place and tell ourselves that it is time to change what we do not like in our life, that it is time to refill our glass.

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