The Power Of The Word

the power of the word

The power of the word is tremendous. Although many people say that an image may be worth more, and in certain cases it is true, we must not forget that everything that comes out of our mouth has a value. Thus, the smallest and most insignificant can do great damage, depending on the circumstances of the communication.

On numerous occasions the famous saying is heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. However, a word can contain in itself enormous power  and, accompanied by more words, can even be devastating.

We are going to see how the power of the word can be used to get them to take our side, to do harm or simply to get something from our interlocutor, even if it is to make them happy.

The power of the word: words that hurt

Woman speaking to another

The power of words is such that it does not take too many to cause deep joy or deep sadness. Many times a sentence that validates an emotion that we feel or a short paragraph that attacks our weakest point is enough.

Who does not have a toxic or manipulative friend who knows how to use the word to get what he wants from us, even if we do not want it? Who has never been told words full of anger, resentment, pain, rejection or sadness?

Like it or not, the word is the form most used by humans for the act of communication. In addition, it is an exchange that leaves its mark.  Who among us does not remember any of those phrases that have caused him great pain or made his day brighter?


The power of the word: words of love

However, not only the power of the word is great when it tries to hurt. It also serves to describe feelings such as pleasure, kindness, love, or gratitude. In fact, we have been able to create some of the most beautiful words in the world to talk about what we like: beauty, friendship, solidarity or the charms that surround us.

It is evident that the power of the word is enormous to talk with other people about everything that is good and beautiful in our life, this is probably one of the best uses it has.

The power of the word: empty words


There are people capable of speaking without saying anything. For example, young people who point out ways in these types of speeches are usually made a very revealing comment: “you’re going to be a politician.” This gives them the ability to speak for a considerable period of time without being able to draw a clear conclusion from their words.

When these people hold a position of responsibility, in the citizen they create a mixture of anger and sadness and helplessness. Anger because the public representative has the duty to give meaning to the communication he makes of his actions and proposals. Sadness because he feels part of the society that has put him in charge. And impotence because, despite making efforts, he cannot get hooked on the communication channel.

The power of the word: what we tell ourselves

Another important aspect that we must take into account is the internal dialogue. In this sense, we must also take care of those words that we say to ourselves, as they end up exercising power over ourselves.

When we talk to ourselves, we choose certain words and not others, and we say a series of specific things to ourselves. In this case, we do not usually recognize the importance of words and the effect that their use can have on us.

In this way, the words we use when thinking can have a powerful effect on our emotions, our moods, and the way we conceive of the world. Consequently, it is important to choose them carefully.

For example, when I say “I am lazy to study”, or “I will never reach the weight I want” I am not describing a situation, but declaring a sentence and generating my reality based on this statement.

When we talk about what we are or make absolutist statements like “never” or “always”, we refer to a finished product and, being conscious or not, we are predisposing our mind to continue acting in the same way.

Likewise, we emphasize the importance of saying beautiful and loving words to each other. Well, if we don’t dedicate these expressions to ourselves, no one else will. Perhaps we have learned to dedicate these words to others, but what about us?

It is very common that we do not know how to give ourselves the value we deserve, we put ourselves in second place and this causes certain problems. It is then that the “I am unable” or “I can not” echo in our life becoming a reality.

The power of the word: words that lie

Man speaking showing power of empty word

Finally, I would like to refer to the power of the word for its enormous capacity to transmit lies, trying to capture the attention of the interlocutor to tell him something that is not really true. Although no one has ever said it explicitly, we are aware that lies have a much more faithful accomplice in written or spoken language than, for example, in mimicry.

The word has enormous power. The word can be a source of beauty, of poetry, of creation, of love, of life, of food for the soul, of positivism … But, like everything in this world, there is a dark side that twists and oppresses it, screams it and strangles her.

Unfortunately, every day there seem to be more voices trying to make their message above the rest, raising the tone or gravity of the actions with which they try to endorse it. Attacking others, thinking that the validity of their message gives them the necessary moral protection to skew the lives of those who oppose or remain indifferent to it.

The responsibility with which we exercise and enjoy the power of the word is ours . Use it to create, build, share, caress or hug instead of attacking, attacking or destroying, deep down, it is our decision. Both practicing it and censoring it.

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