The Skin Does Not Need Words

The skin doesn't need words

Some studies are curious that show us that the first sense that we develop in the embryonic state is touch. We still cannot see or hear and yet we already react to friction in the middle of the amniotic fluid, and it is that touch is perhaps the most primitive sense of the human being. Even blind animals are capable of surviving by capturing the reality of their environment through the sensations that the environment transmits to them. The skin is therefore a wonderful transmitter of information and emotions that covers our body like a kind of fine-tuned radar …


There are many people who usually go to the consultations of doctors affected by various pathologies, such as ezezema, baldness, a very virulent acne … without finding an effective solution for their case. All known treatments are exhausted without solving the problem, without alleviating what our skin externalizes and that, without a doubt, our interior suffers: we people are not a conglomerate of water and amino acids without spirit and soul, On the contrary, sometimes what weighs on our brain is what causes this externalization of pathologies.

The skin speaks of our sorrows and joys almost every day: we blush when they say something kind to us or when we feel the closeness of someone who attracts us, our hands sweat when we are nervous, we turn pale with anger or we blush with joy or even embarrassment … The skin, in essence, is capable of releasing a large amount of neurotransmitters that mediate our emotions, hence its intimate and close relationship with the brain, it is an indicator of our state of mind that on many occasions, if they are not well managed or channeled, they can end in disease.


Doctors assure that many allergies are really due to emotional problems, inflammatory lichens – fungi – are products of situations that generate a lot of stress or anxiety: the fear of losing a job, a family problem … They are physical evidence that something is not it is going well, that we are putting our immune system in check. We can even speak of cases of “sudden baldness”, situations in which the patient says he feels that “all his skin itches, what burns him”.

Hence the existence of a specialty created to treat these important conditions, psychodermatology, since social reality has laid the foundations for a specialty where the ordinary medicine of dermatologists does not serve much for at least 40% of the population. Treating the skin by first rehabilitating our emotions is a key factor in solving very serious outbreaks of acne or eczema, for example, complicated situations where they show us that, indeed, the skin is much more important than we think, it does not need language to express, It does not require words, but only through this sense are we capable not only of transmitting affection but also of reflecting our complex inner world.

The skin speaks and also suffers, because in reality it is very fragile both inside and outside: cold, heat, external aggressions and also internal problems. To take care of her, we must take care of ourselves, learn to manage emotions and anxieties, fears and worries. It depends on you.

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