The Thief Of Time

The thief of time

To procrastinate is to do something useless while believing that something useful is being done, delaying the real action. But procrastination leads nowhere, consumes energy, reduces productivity, and creates great anxiety about lack of results.

When you procrastinate there is an intention to do what needs to be done, but there is no direct action to do that. What is done is to delay the beginning of the activity by doing other apparently useful things, but that do more than increase the laziness of getting fully involved with what really matters.

To avoid these procrastinating attitudes, we are going to see a series of tips and tricks that will allow us to be more effective and productive.

Tips to overcome procrastination

1 – Don’t talk so much and take action

Many times we talk so much about what we are going to do that, by visualizing it, we are able to enjoy the results. So why do it if we have already enjoyed that glory?

If you want to get good grades, study. If you want to be a great writer, write. If you want to be an elite athlete, train. If you want to be a great musician, practice. If you want to have a successful business, work.

Thinking about it is not going to make it happen. Get down to work now. Talking too much, imagining too much, only makes you lose energy. Don’t waste it.

2 – Do not wait for “the best moment” to arrive by magic

Many times we falsely believe that you have to wait for that magical moment when you feel full of energy and inspiration. And until then, what?

Remember the wise words of Pablo Picasso: “When inspiration strikes me, let me get caught working.”

The muses are not going to visit you just like that. You have to have your mind and body in gear and your brain working for things to happen and ideas to come to you. You can only improve on something that is done. If you start and it is not enough or it is not as good as you would like, it does not matter, do more or correct what is done.

3 – Don’t kid yourself: Be honest with yourself

Procrastination is a vicious cycle that makes us deceive ourselves, disguising things as really useful and necessary. But it is necessary to review the results and analyze why the goals are not being achieved. Do your actions match your words? Are you doing what you say you are going to do?

4 – Avoid what makes you lose focus

When you have to do something there are many distracting things: the phone, social networks, email, the people around you … It is vital that you make everything that displaces your attention disappear, or that you go to a place where nothing or nobody bother you.

For example, if you need concentration, turn off your mobile. If you get distracted by social networks, remove the shortcut from your browser and enter (leave a reserved time at the end of the morning or the day if you want, but when you have finished with the important thing). Leave the email closed and open it only when you can answer it. And if you have to study, disconnect your computer, mobile and everything that distracts you.

Laziness will grow if you have multiple bulbs to pay attention to.

5 – Set limits and say “no”

You need to establish limits with those around you so that they don’t make it more difficult for you with constant interruptions, invitations to go out, etc. Assertiveness is essential. Comments such as “you’ll do it later, you have to go out a bit” or “I just steal a moment, but I need to talk to someone” or “you don’t have to work so much, that’s enough” are poisons for your productivity, your willpower and your motivation.

6 – Sign your own declaration of intent

If you feel that you have problems with motivation and that procrastination wins you over, sign a letter of intent, much better if you do it with witnesses. So said it seems silly, but the problem of procrastination and wasting time is not. Put your signed letter in a visible place and read it at the beginning of your work or study session and when you think you need an extra push.

Photo courtesy of Arman Zhenikeyev

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