What Is Not Seen Behind The Mask (hidden Personality)

What is not seen behind the mask (hidden personality)

Many people are successful, happy, or have seemingly perfect lives. It really is that? Well no. Many of them appear to be something they are not. This is what is known as wearing a mask.

Depressed people who are optimistic, people with anxiety who are relaxed. People who take a mask so that others do not see them as they really are. Do you want to know what masks we wear and their causes? Go ahead then!


The controller


A controlling person in every sense of his life can be someone who has previously been betrayed. Faced with this pain, the person will develop a behavior that will allow them to make sure that others keep their promises. In this way, you  will avoid being betrayed again.

The controller has a hidden face that is the well-known insecurity. Therefore, controlling everything is essential sometimes in a way, even exaggerated. The mask protects him from the pain of a new betrayal, while trying not to make it happen again.


The rigid


A rigid person may have previously suffered a situation of utmost injustice. Faced with this fact, he becomes inflexible, always seeking justice and the exactness of things.



A rigid person becomes a perfectionist person . So much so that it becomes an obsessive attitude. But let’s put ourselves in their shoes! We don’t like injustices, they confuse us. Carrying everything perfectly studied, stipulated will prevent injustice from appearing at the door. That is why the rigid act like this.




A dependent person may carry within him a serious pain from the feeling of abandonment. This wound causes him to detach himself from anyone so as not to feel abandoned again. This prevents them from taking any relationship seriously and rejecting the idea of ​​living with someone.

The pain of abandonment is terrible. The dependent person really is not! On the contrary, he suffers in his innermost heart because he cannot, if not depend on someone, trust that this or those people important to him never leave him.


The one who flees


The person who flees refuses to be in company. Prefers solitude, moments of calm. He totally refuses to be the center of attention, something that terrifies him. A person who flees does so because he has been rejected and that has caused him such a wound that he cannot if not avoid it.


run away


Those who flee cannot bear not knowing how to act in certain situations, being ashamed or feeling lost. Simply because this will cause others to reject you. In their loneliness they are neither vulnerable nor insecure. Their mask protects them from what hurts them. Is it cowardice? No. It is only avoiding what we know we cannot control or prevent from hurting us.


The masochist


The masochist can be a mental or emotional masochist. This attitude is given by a feeling of humiliation and shame given by a past situation. This causes his attitude to always be that of solving the problems of others, doing everything for them while lowering himself and humiliating himself. It is something you need.

The masochist does not do like the previous ones who avoid or try to escape from their wounds. The masochist faces what hurts him in search of more pain. They have hurt him and he was not in control. Now he has it and it is he who decides to be hurt. Deep down, this helps you cope with that situation.

As we have seen, there are several different and varied masks that we can wear because of an emotional wound that we have suffered. Do you have any of the previous masks? Do you know someone who wears something? People who wear a mask are easy to identify, because at some point their hidden self comes out.

The best thing is to overcome what has caused us fear. The masochist may be hard on himself, but at least he copes with his pain. This can make him stronger and help him overcome his trauma or, conversely, continue to hurt himself. What do you think about all this? We look forward to your responses!

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