What Other People Think Of You Is Their Reality, Not Yours

What other people think of you is their reality, not yours

What other people think of you is their reality, not yours. They know your name, but not your story, they have not lived in your skin, nor have they worn your shoes. The only thing that others know about you is what you have told them or what they have been able to intuit, but they do not know your angels or your demons.

We often find it difficult to understand ourselves but we bravely venture to decipher the code of the feelings of others. You cannot be certain of what others feel. In the same way, we cannot know what they have lived and what they have learned or not.

Therefore, we should not give importance to what others say about us, because their words obey an illusory reality that their mind has created with the desire to know everything about our life …


The people who criticize

There are people who give their opinion about you, about your life and about your decisions even if nobody has asked them. They are usually malicious or lacking criteria opinions whose sole objective is to harm, belittle and enjoy the sorrow of others.

Generally, they are people with low self-esteem who do not accept themselves, so they can hardly accept others. These people put labels that reflect the reality of how they feel themselves, thus projecting their emotional difficulties.

We are the only ones who can walk our way

It is likely that if we could get into the body and mind of others, we would not dare to judge. However, it would be worth the offer to be able to assess our courage. It would be a real litmus test.

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Fantasies aside, we must assume as the only responsibility to value ourselves and stop condemning ourselves. What others think of us does not put a price on us.  That is, in the same way that we do not let them tell us what clothes to wear or how we should dress, we do not have to allow others to choose our emotional wardrobe.

If we live according to what others think of us, we will lose our style and our personality. We will be forced to put on a mask and our image in the mirror will only reflect our insecurity and the lack of healthy self-esteem.

Heal our critically damaged part

To heal the emotional wounds that criticism causes us, we must be clear, first of all, that we are unique and exceptional people. According to this, we must lose the fear of feeling and thinking for ourselves.

It is others who are judging and criticizing, not you. Non-constructive criticism carries with it great emotional poverty in the internal world of the person who performs it. Therefore, if the person does not allow himself to be enriched, on these occasions it is convenient for you to be emotionally selfish and “let each stick hold its candle.”



So, let go of negativity and think that your life is much easier without getting into the lives of others. We give you some keys to claim yourself:

  1. As we have commented, the direct consequence of giving credence to what others think and say is that we end up becoming someone we are not. And, of course, wanting to please others at the cost of our identity is not healthy at all.
  2. You are a good mother? Are you a successful person? You’re smart? Are you doing your job well? Do others like you? Realize all the energy you waste worrying about these issues.
  3. In any case, others think of us much less than we do. In other words, we usually feel like the center of attention from other people when, in reality, what we do may not be relevant to many of those around us. Take off that fear, it is largely a figment of your imagination.
  4. No matter what you do and how you do it, there will always be someone who misinterprets it. So try to live and act naturally. What you do because you feel it will always be the right thing to do. Not only will you not be able to justify yourself, but you will feel false if you do not tune in to yourself.

Featured image courtesy of bruniewska

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