Why Don’t We Allow Ourselves To Rest?

Rest is the starting point, the place where great achievements are born and one of the necessary conditions for us to talk about well-being. So why do we sometimes not allow ourselves it?
Why don't we allow ourselves to rest?

Day by day we lose ourselves in a world of exhausting routines, endless hours of work and effort that little by little we are exhausted psychologically, socially and physically. How to deal with it? How not to collapse without reaching the limit of doing nothing? Allowing us to rest is one of the keys, we will explain it to you in this article.

Sometimes, trying to say goodbye to those exhausting and eternal days, we decide to leave it all behind, but with it come consequences that trigger our anxiety. So, how to make sure that our life does not become work, study or dedicate ourselves to others completely? How to make our toxic routines healthy?

Tired woman

Set priorities to allow ourselves to rest

Sometimes what happens is that we do not find the appropriate space to rest. We can even come to think that it does not exist. But have we considered this question in detail? It is necessary to establish priorities to find that rest so longed for in our time. Let’s identify some ways to achieve it:

  • Let’s set goals. This will make it easier to recognize or establish a real destination. As you do so, you will begin to realize what it is you really want to do.
  • One step at a time. Dedicating ourselves to countless things at the same time can cause none of them to go well. Better we go little by little building the way to reach our goals.
  • What is indispensable in “the here and now”? Let’s think about the present, this helps us to realize which issues we have to give prevalence to, because there are moments that we should not miss and that our immediate intervention is necessary.
  • Let us know how to let go. Wanting to cover the entire space of challenges that we identify can become a true illusion … when the reality is that the resources we have are limited.

All these strategies help us to be closer to rest. Let us remember that resting is not only a physical matter, it is also a mental and social one. If we establish priorities, it will be easier to find those rest spaces; The best of all is that: it is in our hands!

Go in tune with us

We all work with a definition of what we think we are today and with a definition that we would like to come to conform to. A significant difference between the two can generate great anxiety.

Increasing coherence, based on self-knowledge, allows us to take better advantage of inertia when circumstances favor us. Also, that we have more strength and resources when they do not. Thus, this tuning makes us more powerful.

Self-regulation is key to our development as human beings. It leads us to establish a coherent list of priorities and to get rid of what only represents a burden. María Del Carmen González and Javier Touron, in their book A utoconcept and school performance , talk about the relationship between self-knowledge and motivation.

Bearded man looking down

Allowing us to rest contributes to our well-being

Allowing ourselves to rest is in addition to being in tune with us and establishing priorities, giving us a space to improve our health. Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, devised a pyramid of needs, at the base are the basic ones, resting is one of them. This if we see it as a biological matter, because by not doing it we are trying too hard our body.

But resting goes beyond sleep. It also means giving our mind a space to disconnect from the routine, giving ourselves a space to ourselves and not being busy all the time socially. That is, to allow ourselves to rest is to let a harmony flow between our body, our mind, and our emotions.

A commitment to gradually building what we want to achieve, putting aside what causes us harm and those who are toxic to us. Making self-regulation our best ally, opening our consciousness towards the reality that we do inhabit in front of a world of possibilities, open, that will always exist.

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