You Have To Let Go Of Someone Who Never Did Anything To Stay

You have to let go of someone who never did anything to stay

We must let go of those who never did anything to stay, those people with temporary feelings that made us invest time and illusions. Letting go requires courage, but far from accepting it as an end, we must see it as the beginning of something new.

Who has not been forced on some occasion to have to close a stage of his life? Sometimes they call it “closing circles”.

However, this idea of ​​circularity rather than giving us the vision of something that closes with a beginning and an end, rather makes us visualize an entity that never ends, like a kind of uroborus or eternal return. We must see these stages of our life as a line to move on, through which we flow as we grow.

And to grow, we let go of certain things, while we gain others. Life is an unstoppable advance that overwhelms us and takes our breath away, and it is useless to remain stranded in something or someone that sinks us down like a stone that falls down a well.

Now, it may be difficult for us to realize, that we do not want to see it for a while, but unhappiness is something that no one can hide. It hurts, withers and turns us off. So don’t let it. In life there always comes a time when it is better to let go, let go …

We must let go of even the one who abandoned us

Letting go, closing a stage of our life does not refer only to saying goodbye to those who share life with us, in an act of decision or courage. It is possible that you are not the one who abandons, you may actually have been the one abandoned. In this case, the idea of ​​letting go, of assuming that rupture and moving forward again, is vital.


Girl catching a heart hanging from a tree
  • We must let go of those who have abandoned us, because if we do not, we will continue to cling to a host of negative emotions that will hurt us more every day. And those responsible, this time we will be ourselves.
  • Closing that cycle of our life in which there is still the heartbreaking pain of abandonment takes time. The duel must be lived, mourned, assumed and later, accept what happened until reaching forgiveness. Once the wound has been cauterized and when we are free of burdens because we have been able to forgive, we will feel lighter to let go with the maximum fullness.
  • An abandonment is the breaking of a bond, and as such we must “return” to ourselves.
  • Until not long ago, this bond was nourished by love towards that relationship. Now, with the umbilical cord already broken, we must meet again , take care of ourselves, take care of ourselves to reinforce that link with our self-esteem to look forward again. Strengthened.
  • Do not feed nostalgia, do not focus your gaze on yesterday because the past no longer exists, it is gone, it is not … And remember above all that those who live from nostalgia do nothing but feed suffering, and “hold on” while idealizing a past letting your present get lost. Your chance to be happy “here and now.”

You have to let go without resentment

Woman looking at some paper boats

Whoever feeds anger, spite and resentment becomes the prisoner of the one who hurt him. It’s that simple and that powerful. Who provokes you anger and focuses all your contempt, makes you an eternal captive of your own negative emotions.

Forgiving is not easy. Sometimes we assume that forgiveness is a renunciation of ourselves, that it is like giving up and seeing ourselves as victims.

To forgive you must regain confidence in yourself. Nobody is as strong as the person who is capable of granting forgiveness to those who hurt him because he shows, in turn, that he has overcome fear, that he no longer fears the enemy and that he feels freer.

Letting go of resentments and anger returns us to our initial state, making it easier for us to let go. Our hearts heal again and let go of those negative emotions. Only then does the act of “letting go” become something easier to achieve, as well as liberating.

Image Courtesy: Mila Marquis, Shawna Erback, Lucy Campbell


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